School! Fun... (ch. 4)

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"I hate school..." I muttered, earning myself a laugh from Rachel. I sighed and glanced over at her.

"Aw, don't complain about it. That only makes it worse," Rachel said, patting my shoulder.

"Right..." I mumbled in response. I looked at the time and sighed. English next, then science... I thought, muttering a little more about how much school sucked.

Right now, Rachel and I were in Trigonometry. This was my best class. I've always been good in math since I was little. Not so much in English, and alright with science. And art. I love art, it's like I was born to draw, paint, sculpt, and anything else that has to do with art. I love it.

"Daniel!" Mr. Jacobs yelled, slamming his book down on the table. I jumped, then started blushing. I'd been spacing out. Again... And he must have called my name quite a few times for him to yell and slam his book down... I frowned as I looked up at him and nodded to indicate that I was listening to him. He sighed and opened his book back up. "Daniel, read on page 28, then come up and do the problem."

"Yes, sir," I said, then started reading. I could hear some girls giggling, probably because I made Mr. Jacobs mad enough to yell, twice.

"Thank you for finally listening," Mr. Jacobs said when I finished. "And can I talk to you after class?"

I nodded meekly, looking down at my book. Mr. Jacobs was my least favorite teacher. Well, other than Ms. Edwards... She is just creepy...

As soon as the bell rang, everyone started to put their books away while Mr. Jacobs said, "Remember, page 28 to 31 is due on Wednesday!"

I sat at my desk with my bag in front of me. Rachel walked past me, nudging my arm as she whispered, "Good luck! I'll see you at lunch." I simply nodded and waited for Mr. Jacobs to come over and start talking to me.

When he finally did, he just sighed and sat down at the desk next to mine. "Daniel..." he began, rubbing his forehead. "Daniel, you've been spacing out a lot more than usual lately. Is there something bothering you."

"No, sir," I said, shaking my head a little. It was a lie, though. There were a lot of things bothering me, especially the dream. I shivered as I remembered it.

"Daniel?" I forgot I was in Mr. Jacobs classroom... "Daniel, are you alright?"

"Yeah, just a little cold... Can I go know?"

Mr. Jacobs nodded and walked back over to his desk, muttered, "Sure, let me write you a note real quick."

He handed it to me when he finished writing it and I left after nodding and saying 'thank you.' Now, off to English.


"Finally!" I said as I sat down next to Rachel. "I survived English and Science!"

She laughed softly and nodded. "Yes, I see. And that's good 'cause I found one of your buddies that you met at the mall yesterday!"

I grinned and looked at her. "Really? Which one!"

She thought for a minute then said, "Jason. I might've seen Cameron, but I'm not sure if it was him..."

"Is he at lunch right now? Jason, I mean. When did you see him? Do you know where he is?"

"Alright, alright. One question at a time." She smiled and took a bite of her sandwich, chewed and swallowed, then continued. "Okay, we had History together last hour, so yeah, he should have this lunch. And, I'm not exactly sure where he is right now. He had to talk to Mrs. Jones after class, so..."

"Okay, thanks Rachel," I said, giving her a hug before I started to eat my ham sandwich. I took a drink of my water, then stood to go dump my food. "Want me to take yours, too?" I asked Rachel.

"Sure, thanks Danny!" she said as she handed me her garbage.

"No prob." I walked over to the garbage can and dumped the trash in it, then headed back to where Rachel was sitting. But, before I could make it there, I was tackled to the floor. I groaned and rolled onto my back, rubbing my head a little. I frowned as I sat up, but it was quickly replaced with a smile when I saw Jason laying on the floor next to me, groaning as well.

"Ouch..." he muttered, rubbing his head, then putting his hand to his side. He quickly sat up and looked over at Danny. "See! I told you I went to your school now!"

"Yeah, Rachel told me that she has History with you," I said, then started to get up, offering Jason a hand as soon as I was balanced.

"Oh, really? I didn't notice because of the whole newness thing."  He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up, then we headed back over to Rachel.

"Hey," she said when we sat down by her. "How goes you two?"

"Good," we said in unison, then smiled at each other. "Well, I got hug-tackled by him over there," I said, pointing my finger at Jason, then in the direction we came from.

He chuckled and said, "Yeah, I saw you and decided to surprise you instead of just going up and saying 'Hey, 'sup?' like most people do. Oh, and I need to show you my tattoo!" I had forgotten about it until he'd broughtit up again. I watched as he lifted his shirt up to reveal smooth, pale skin. I bit my lip and forced myself to look at his chest, then down at his stomach where he had several tattoos. He pointed to his stomach. "This one's the new one. I got it done yesterday." He had said the second part mainly to Rachel because he'd already told me last night while we were texting.

"It's nice. They're all nice," I said, smiling as I looked up at his face.Rachel nodded in agreement, amazed by his all of his ink as well. He looked satisfied and pleased after he got our opinions.

He pulled his shirt back down after a we got a good look at tattoos, then asked me, "What class do you have next?"

I thought for a minute, then answered with, "Gym, then art."

He grinned down at his schedule, then showed it to me. I smiled too as he said, "Dude, we have both of those together."

"Cool," I said, high-fiving him, then turned to Rachel. "So, we all have art together. Coolness."

Just then, the bell rang and everyone started to head to their next class. I looked at Jason and Rachel, then said, "Alright, let's go. We'll see you in art, Rachel!"

She nodded and we waved to each other, then headed in the opposite directions to our next class, Jason and I to gym, and Rachel to English. This day was turning out to be alright.


Pic is of Jason. I'm gonna try and upload again tomorrow or Tuesday, so have fun reading this till then :)

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