Poor Danny (ch 16)

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Okay, so this is something I should've done a long time ago, but I think I was just to lazy to do it. I'm going to dedicate this story to someone :D And that someone is Gemini_927. Why? because she was the first person to like this story, leave a comment, and add it to their reading list thingy. So yay for Gemini :) thank you.


Rachel's POV

I made sure that the water was warm in the shower before leaving Danny alone. What the hell is God's problem? Is he PMSing and needs someone to take his anger out on? If he wants to do that, do it to someone else and leave Danny alone... He already has enough things to worry about.

I sighed as I walked into the kitchen where my parents were making a late dinner. Geez, it's already almost nine...

"Hey, mom," I said as I took another step into the kitchen. "Danny isn't feeling well."

"Oh, what's wrong with him?" my dad asked, hovering over the stove to watch whatever he had cooking.

My mom looked over at me, her index finger on her chin. "He didn't really look very well when I let him in earlier. He mentioned something about a cold. Is everything alright?"

I hesitated for a moment before answering with, "I'm not sure, but I was wondering if he could stay the night and possibly stay home from school."

Mom looked at me with a concerned expression. "Where is he know?"

"He's showering, then he'll be down to eat with us," I said, leaning back against the wall.

"He hasn't been over very much lately, has he?" dad asked, glancing back at me before returning his eyes to the stove.

I shook my head and sighed. "No, we stayed over at Danielle and Tiff's place for a few days, though."

 "That's good. So you were alright while we were gone?"

"Yeah, everything was fine." I pushed off of the wall and turned towards the stairs. "I'm gonna go check on Danny," I called over my shoulder as I left up to my room.

When I got into my room, the first thing I noticed was the open bathroom door, then the clothes next to the shower and the missing bathrobe. I looked over at my bed and saw a lump under the blanket. Oh Danny, why does God have to be so unfair to you? I thought as I walked over to him. "You okay Danny?" I asked, then heard soft whimpers.

"No," he whispered after a few seconds. "No I'm not okay..."

I leaned down and hugged him. "It's alright Danny... Y-you couldn't have done anything." I moved the blanket off of his face and stared into his eyes. He stared back, then quickly looked away.

"How will Cameron react," he whispered.

"You don't have to tell him now. And besides, it wasn't your fault that that happened. You couldn't have stopped it."

Danny was silent. He still had his knees pulled up to him as he stared out into space. I sat on the floor next to the bed and closed my eyes, thinking about what I could do to try and make my best friend feel better.

"Rachel! Danny! Dinner's done!"

My eyes fluttered open as I jumped up. I looked around and saw Danny asleep on my bed, curled into a ball on my pillows. I must have dozed off, too. With a slight smile, I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Danny won't be eating with us. He wasn't feeling well so he decided to go to sleep," I said to my parents when I got to the kitchen.

Dad frowned as he looked at his food. "Well, that's a shame. He's missing out."

Torn in Two (yaoi story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora