To Rachel's! (ch. 5)

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"I had no idea that you were an artist!" Jason practically yelled to me when we were walking out of the art room.

Rachel nodded, a smile on her face. "Yeah, he is quite the artist," she said in a french accent that made Jason and I laugh.

"You always make my day," I said to her and received a happy nod in agreement.

We were quiet for a minute until Rachel turned her head towards me and Jason and asked, "Hey, you guys wanna come over tonight?"

I nodded, already knowing that my parents wouldn't be home to object. I looked at Jason to see what his answer would be.

He pulled out his phone while he said, "Sure, let me quick ask my mom." He sent her a text, then put his phone in his pocket as he waited for the reply, which came a few minutes later. He read the text and smiled, then replied quickly. He looked up from his phone and nodded while he said, "She said it's fine, as long as I'm home before ten."

"That's great!" Rachel exclaimed. "Let's start heading now, okay?"

We nodded and started to head over to Rachel's house, talking about random things as we went. Some days I wonder about Rachel and myself. Especially with some of the conversations that we have...

I was around 4:30 when we finally got on to Rachel's street. I couldn't help but grin as Jason stared at all of the houses that we passed.

Finally, he couldn't control himself anymore. "Damn!" he yelled, earning himself stares from people that stood on the lawns and porches of the houses that we passed. "All of these houses are so big and fancy and way nice! How can your family afford this?"

"It's not a really big deal..." Rachel said, shrugging a little. "My parents got a deal on the house, so it didn't cost much, plus they both have really good jobs that pay them a fair amount of money, so we're all set."

"Oh, that's cool. I live with my mom, big brother and Little Jen. My mom and brother always seem to be working, so I'm usually home with Jen while they work. We have a medium-sized, three bedroom house and we do okay in it. I mean, we get by and we're happy, so it's all good." He shrugged, a small smile on his face. He then turned to me and asked, "So, what's your family like?"

I bit my lip and shrugged a little. "I live with my mom and dad, and I'm an only child. My parents... they aren't home very often... and when they are home, we don't really do much together. We aren't really much of a family. And as for our house... Well, it's a small two-bedroom house that's down town in between two apartment complexes." As I told Jason my life, I looked down at my feet and frowned a little.

When I had finished, Jason wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug while he murmured, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad."

Rachel simply watched us, then cleared her throat to get our attention. "We're here!" she chimed, pointing up the driveway at her house. We looked forward at it, then started up to the house. Jason kept stopping to point out little things, which Rachel and I laughed at, causing him to smile a goofy, cute smile.

When we got inside, we took our shoes off and headed to the kitchen. Rachel stopped at the fridge and pulled out a can of root beer and two water bottles. "Is water alright with you?" she asked Jason, whom nodded in response.

Rachel walked over to us, handed us our drinks, then we headed upstairs to Rachel's room. Once inside, she flopped on her bed and Jason and I went over to her big chair. Jason sat down and made some space for me to sit, but instead, I sat on his lap, which made him grin. I smiled down at him and rested my forehead on his.

"Now now boys, no making love in my room on my chair," Rachel said, grinning at us like a maniac. We blushed and looked away from each other, making her laugh. "Okay, who wants to play on the Wii?"

"I do!" Jason and I shouted in unison. We smiled at each other and walked over to Rachel's bed.

After a few hours of playing the Wii, Jason looked at the time and groaned softly. "Alright guys, I gotta get going, so I'm not late getting home," Jason said as he stood.

I looked at the time. 9:30. "I should probably head home, too."

"Aw, okay guys... See you at school tomorrow," Rachel said as she walked us to the door. We nodded and got our shoes on, then headed out.

We walked together until we reached the apartment complexes. "Well, my stop is here..." I said, pointing to the shack in between the complexes. "I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow..."

"Yeah," Jason murmured, looking down at me. I stared up into his dark brown eyes with my own icey blue ones. I bit my lip as my eyes traveled down his face to his neck, then to his chest and arms. I looked back up at his face and smiled a little.

"I should go now..." I mumbled, looking away. I was about to tak a step away, when I was pulled into a kiss by Jason. My eyes widened in surprise, but that soon disappeared as I started to kiss back. We pulled apart after a few seconds, and stared at each other. I smiled at him, feeling the heat on my cheeks. "I- I'm gonna go now," I said, pointing towards my house, the stupid grin still on my face. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright," Jason replied, a goofy grin on his face. "See ya tomorrow, Danny!"

We waved to each other and I watched as he walked off towards his house. When he was out of sight, I walked inside and into my room, feeling as light as a feather. I turned my alarm on and plopped down on my bed, finding sleep not long after. 

Today was a good day. The best that I've had in a long time. I wonder how tomorrow will turn out...


So, how is it so far? So you like it, or no? Please comment and tell me what you think of it so I know whether or not I should finish this. Please and thank you. Pic is of Danny.

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