Why? (ch 10)

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"Okay, you can start talking now," Rachel said as she sat down next to me.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said, unable to hold my tears back any longer. "I didn't want to lie to you, but I didn't want to make you worry, either..."

"It's okay Danny. It's fine if I worry about you. As long as you're okay, it doesn't matter."

I nodded a little and wiped away my tears. I turned my head to look at Rachel, smiling weakly. "It hurts..."

"How bad is it?"

"Well... It wasn't just mom and dad again..." I paused, feeling my jaw. "Jacob, Ben, and Joesph were at the party last night, too... That's why I left."

Rachel gasped a little and put her hand over her mouth. A few seconds later, she went to hug me, but, I flinched away as soon as her arm touched me. The look on her face was sad, but I couldn't help it. It hurt, a lot...

I looked down at my lap, then felt Rachel get up. I looked up at her, a little confused as to what she was doing or what she was going to do.

"Danielle," she called, then as soon as she got an answer, added, "Bring me a pair of shorts, please."

A moment later, Rachel opened the door and grabbed a pair of black shorts from Danielle, then walked back over to me.

"Take your shirt off and change into these. That way I can see how bad this is," she said, handing me the shorts and turning away so I could change.

I shrugged my jacket off, then pulled my shirt up over my head, whimpering a little as I did so. I made sure not to look at myself as I slid my shoes and pants off, then pulled on the shorts. "Okay, you can turn around now," I murmured, my eyes closed so I wouldn't look at myself.

As soon as she turned around, tears burst from Rachel's eyes. I opened my eyes and looked down at myself. I could see why she was crying. I was bruised all over my body, and there was dried blood and cuts from where my mothers boots had cut my shirt and skin. I felt myself start crying as I fell to my knees and started to shake my head with my hands over my face.

Rachel crawled off of the bed and over to where I was now laying. I looked up at her and asked, "What did I do? Why do they hate me so much?"

"I don't know... You don't deserve this..." she replied, her sobs finally calm. Tears streamed down both of our cheeks and we laid on the floor.

"Rachel, Danny? Everything okay in there?" I heard Danielle ask.

"Um, yeah... We'll be out in a few minutes," she replied, some how making her voice sound normal. "Oh, and Danielle, can you please grab a pair of sweat pants?"

"Um, yeah, sure. I'll be back in a sec."

Rachel crawled over to the door, then stood, wiping away her tears. Danielle was back a few minutes later and knocked on the door. Rachel barely opened the door and grabbed the pants, then tossed them over to me as she murmured a thanks to her cousin.

"Thanks," I managed to whisper as I pulled the shorts off and pulled the sweats on. I then grabbed my shirt and pulled it back over my head, whimpering a little in pain. Again, I said, "Okay, you can look now."

Rachel turned and walked over to me, grabbing my hand and walking my over to the door. "You should probably go get yourself cleaned up so they don't get worried. And, you should probably shower while you're at it. I'll go get you some clothes that won't hurt when you wear them."

I smiled weakly again and hugged Rachel, ignoring the extra pain that was shooting through my body as I did so. "Thanks Rachel. You're such a nice friend. And, I don't know what I would do or where I would be if you weren't here with me," I said, pulling away to look at her.

"No problem." She smiled back and opened the door, then lead him to the bathroom. "Okay, here's the bathroom. Don't just take a quick shower, relax a little and you'll feel better. I'll be back with some clothes for each of us and we can sleep over here, okay? I'm sure Tiff and Danielle won't mind."

I nodded and walked into the bathroom. "Please hurry back," I said before closing the door and going to get into the shower.


Short chapter, but it's all good. And, I'm thinking of making Danielle a main character. What do you think? And who should play her? Ah, so confusing! Oh well, pic is of Rachel.

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