You're joking... Right? (ch 19)

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Jason's POV

I dropped my phone on the bed next to me and fell backwards onto the pillows. With a groan, I rolled onto my side and looked at my clock. Only 4:28, about fifteen minutes since I got home...

I just got off of the phone with Rachel. She said that Danny needed to tell me something important. Very important. Then she told me that I needed to meet them at the small, almost dead, ice cream shop on Fifth Street around 5:30.

"There's still and hour... I wanna know what they need to tell me..." I muttered quietly, then sat up. "What do I do for that long?"

"Jason, Hun, can you come here for a sec?" my mom asked.

"Alright, I'm coming," I called down to her before getting off of my bed and walking to the kitchen. When I saw my mother, I looked at her questioningly and asked, "Yeah, Mom?" Her eyes were a little red and puffy, like she'd been crying.

When she didn't answer, I took a few steps closer, a look of concern crossing my face. "Is everything okay, Mom?"

"Oh, sorry, Jason. Um, I was wondering if you could watch Jen tonight..." she said, seeming to ignore my question.

"Um, yeah, sure. What's wrong? Is everything alright?"

"Oh... Yeah... Everything's fine."

I frowned as she put on her fake smile, trying to make me feel better. But, instead of persisting and making her mad, I nodded and walked back up to my room.

So, I guess I'll need to take Jen with me when I go see Danny and Rachel... Fun, fun. At least it's at an ice cream place, so she won't be too much of a fuss. After all, she does love her ice cream... So, it's settled then: I'll bring Jen with when I go.

Danny's POV

Rachel and I sat in a corner booth, both of us eating a chocolate ice cream cone while we waited for Jason to come. Cameron left Rachel's house before we started heading here. He said he had some things to do, kissed me, then left to do whatever things he had to do.

I was still a little nervous, even though I've told this whole story twice. Good thing Rachel's here with us.

Rachel nudged my elbow and nodded towards the front of the shop. I smiled and waved Jason over to our table, after noticing Jason standing there, looking around while holding little Jen.

As soon as he noticed us and began walking over, I turned to Rachel. "What about Jen? I don't really want her to be over here when I tell him... What if..." I broke off, unsure of how to put it exactly. "What if one of us ends up doing something bad?" I finished after a moment's thought.

"I'll take her. You just explain everything to Jason," Rachel said, patting my shoulder lightly.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" Jason asked, setting Jen down so she could climb into the booth.

"Well... I need to tell you something... About what happened... But..."

"I'll take Jen," Rachel said, setting her hand on Jason's shoulder as she stood up. "You two just talk, okay?"

Jason nodded slowly, glancing from Jen, to Rachel, then finally to me. "Alright." He crouched down so his eyes were level with Jen's before saying, "Rachel's gonna take you to get some ice cream while I talk to Danny, okay?"

Jen looked at Rachel and nodded. She wrapped her arms around Jason's neck so he could pick her up and hand her over to Rachel.

"Alright, let's go get some ice cream then!" Rachel said as soon as she made sure that she wouldn't drop Jen, then headed over to the counter.

I smiled at them as they walked away, then turned my attention to Jason, who had just slid into the booth. "So, what was it that you needed to tell me?" Jason asked, raising his eyebrows.

I bit my lip and chewed on it slightly, then motioned for him to sit closer. He did so, his eyes not leaving me for a second. "Okay, so, about what happened when you and Cameron came over. Well, I know why that happened... It was because of what happened earlier that day. I-I was walking to Rachel's house and if I would've taken the regular way, then I would've been late, so she'd end up worrying about me. You know, because of what happened at the party." I continued to tell him what happened, pausing occasionally to make sure that I didn't start crying.

When I had finished, Jason stared at me, his face blank. Now where have I seen that expression before...

We sat in silence, Jason staring at me blankly while I played with the napkin holder on the table. The silence was broken a few moments later, though, when Jason looked away from me and asked, "H-his name was James, but Anya called him Jacob?"

I nodded slowly, pulling my hands into my lap. "Y-yeah, why?" I asked, a little worried.

Jason looked down at me, his expression a little uneasy. "And he'd be about in his late twenties about now?" he went on, as if ignoring my question.

"U-um yeah... But, what does this have to do with anything?"

Jason's face paled even more that before as he put a hand in front of his mouth. "Oh my God... Jacob-James... That's... He's my... Jacob is my oldest brother..."

I went white and icy cold as the last five words left his mouth. My mouth went dry, my face falling as well as I croaked, "B-brother?"


Dx I'm sorry that I haven't updated this or uploaded anything for like two weeks. I'm sorry for my laziness, writer's block, and lack of Internet for two days. I'll try not to be lazy with this next chapter and upload it as soon as I can. It'll be easier, since winter break is coming up and I won't be too tired to write, or have a lot of homework to stress over.

So, I'm sorry everyone, please don't hate me T_T I'm sorry that I'm so damn lazy. Buuuut, at least I uploaded this tonight instead of tomorrow, like I was planning :) And, I gots a really goo idea for the next chapter, so it might not take as long. Might....

Anyways, pic of Danielle, even though she hasn't really been in the story lately. She's gonna be back in here pretty soon. I gots some plans with her :P And, video is the song "Pain" by Three Days Grace. It's a good song :) And, fits me well.

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