Woot, no school! (ch 17)

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The light streaming in from the window stung my eyes as I began to wake. I opened them and slowly took everything in.

Okay, I was in Rachel's room. If we were going to school today, then we're super late. Rachel is sleeping next to me, and our hands are intertwined. I smiled at our hands and let out a happy and satisfied sigh.

I watched Rachel for a few more minutes before closing my eyes and enjoying the silence. Moments later, Rachel began to wake and let out a yawn. "Nnnn, what time is it, Danny?" she asked as she sat up.

I sat up as well and looked at the clock across the room. "It's almost 11:30," I said, stretching a little.

"Oh. We should probably get up now, then. And mom and dad are gone to work. They came in a few hours ago and told me they left."

I nodded and got off of the bed. "Okay. Do I still have a spare set of clothes, or at least some pants and boxers, in the spare room?"

Rachel nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm not sure about the shirt though. It might not be in there."

"Okay, I'm gonna take a shower and get dresser, so I'll be down for breakfast in about twenty minutes."

Rachel nodded and walked over to her closet. "Alright, I'm gonna get ready and start breakfast."

I walked out od her room and to the spare to grab my clothes, then head to the bathroom for a shower.

Twenty minutes and one shower later, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, greeting Rachel with a hug. "Hey, what's for breakfast?" I asked, hanging on her shoulders.

"Pancakes and bacon," she replied, flipping the pancake over, then taking the finished bacon out of the frying pan and putting it on a plate, then adding more. "There's already some bacon and two pancakes done. Help yourself."

I smiled and got two plates from the cupboard, one for me and one for her. Then I grabbed two cups and two forks and set the table. I put on pancake on my plate and the other on Rachel's.

"How many pieces of bacon?" I asked.

"Hm... three pieces for now," she answered.

"Okay," I said, then put three pieces of bacon on her plate and three on mine. "Milk, OJ, or water?"

"Um... Milk I guess."

I nodded and grabbed the milk from the fridge, filled Rachel's cup, then put the milk back and grabbed the OJ and filled the cup for myself.

Rachel made two more pancakes and a few more pieces of bacon before turning the stove off and coming to eat. We ate in silence for a few minutes before Rachel asked how I was feeling.

With a shrug I answered, "Fine I guess... What about you?"

"I'm alright... It's just... I'm still kind of worried about what happened last night..." she said, picking at the piece of bacon on her plate.

"Oh yeah... That..." I poked my pancake with my fork and shrugged a little. "I don't remember what happened. Only that you, Shelly, Cam, and Jason were all there when I woke up..."

"Yeah. It was scary. Do you remember having a dream before you came to?"

I shook my head and took a bite of my pancake. After swallowing, I said, "Nope. Nothing at all."

"Do you think it was because... Because of him?" Rachel asked, looking up at me.

I was silent before shrugging a little. "I don't know, maybe... That would be a good reason for that to have happened..."

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