True story, sadly... (ch 18)

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We ended up making it back to Rachel's house about an hour later. A few people stopped, asking us if we were alright, mainly because my face was whiter than that white shit called snow.

"I don't want him to hate me..." I said into the cushions on Rachel's couch. "What if I tell him and he hates me for it?"

"He shouldn't hate you for it. It wasn't your fault. You were forced to go to that place, weren't you?"

I nodded a little and rolled over to look at her. My eyes were dry, but tears threatened to appear. "You really think he won't hate me for it?"

Rachel shook her head and knelt down in front of me. "No. I don't think he'll be mad. Shocked, maybe. But not mad."

I smiled and hugged Rachel. She's pretty much the only person that can make me feel better whenever I'm down, no matter how much. I'd probably be a poor, wrecked, depressed emo kid if it weren't for her.

"How about some cake while we wait for Cameron to come over?" Rachel asked, patting my leg. I'm guessing it was because I hadn't moved and the look on my face hadn't changed.

Slowly, I nodded and stood up, following her to the kitchen. Thoughts of all the bad things that could happen ran through my mind. I groaned softly and sat at the table, hiding my face in my hands while Rachel got us each a piece of her dad's cake.

"Cheer up Danny," Rachel said in a comforting tone, rubbing my back gently after setting a piece of chocolate cake in front of me.

I nodded slightly and looked back up at her. "Thanks Rachel," I said, smiling weakly. "I really don't deserve to have you as a best friend..."

Rachel smacked my arm playfully and went back to the kitchen to get herself a piece of cake and put the rest away. "No, I'm just your guardian angel. I was sent from heaven to look after you," she said, walking back over to the table with a piece of cake.

"Yeah, if you ignore the horns holding up your broken halo," I said, then chuckled lightly. Rachel looked at me with fake hurt and smacked my arm playfully again.

"Psh, that's besides the point," she said, flipping her wrist at me.

I smiled a little and ate my cake slowly, savoring the delicious chocolaty taste. I glanced up at Rachel and noticed that she was doing the same, only a little quicker.

When we finished, we took care of our plates, then went up to Rachel's room. I wasn't feeling as down or depressed, but that scared, rejection feeling was still pressing at the back of my mind. I tried not to let it show that it was still bothering me, for Rachel's sake.

About fifteen minutes later, then sound that I dreaded came. As soon as the doorbell rang, I looked to Rachel and she looked to me. I gulped silently and stood, heading down the stairs with Rachel not too far behind.

Once we were at the bottom, Rachel put her hand on my shoulder and nodded towards the living room. "Wait there. I'll go get him," she said, removing her hand from my shoulder and walking over to the door.

I simply nodded and walked to the living room, then plopped down on the couch closest to the entrance. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart.

Just a minute or so later, I heard foot steps coming towards the living room, then Cameron's voice. I took another deep breath, trying to calm myself down again. I felt my cheeks redden slightly when Cameron walked into the room, then sat next to me, putting his hand on my leg.

"Hey Danny, what's up? You don't look so well..." he said, concern clear on his face.

I shook my head a little and smiled nervously at Cameron while saying, "No, no. I'm fine. Just nervous I guess..."

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