The Nightmare and The Memory (ch. 3)

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My hands and body shook a little. Memories from that night flashed through my mind. I backed away from him, but he took another step towards me. "Go away!" I yelled, and backed into the wall. He simply grinned and walked up in front of me. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt his breath on my face.

Quickly, before he could do anything, I pushed away from him and ran. I ran out the door and found myself in another house, one that wasn't familiar. I breathed a sigh of relief, happy that I wasn't in his house again. Yeah, I'd been in his house before, but not because it was his.

So, this guy that I'm running from was my old friend's older brother. We were friends for a few years before I finally got to go over to his house. Afterwards, I's go to his house almost every day. Then one day, I went over and my friend wasn't home, just his brother. I tried to tell him to tell my friend that I'd stopped by and to have him text me later, but he wouldn't let me leave, he insisted on me staying and telling him myself. So, after a little while, I decided to stay and he lead my up to his room. At first, we just listened to some CD's, then watched a movie and played some games. That's when it went bad.

He rolled me onto my back and crawled over me. I tried to protest, but he was stronger than me, so he had more power as well. He shoved his lips against mine and kissed me with a lot of force. I kicked and pushed, but he just smiled, chuckling softly, and continued to kiss me and... some other things...

After this happened, I ran home and ended up staying in my for a few days, only coming out to use the bathroom. That ended up scarring me, making me self-conscious, lose all of my friends, except for Rachel, that is. And, come to think of it, I never heard from or saw my friend again...

I had been thinking about the memory so much that I hadn't noticed that I was walking down an empty street, that was also unfamiliar. I stopped and stared up at the buildings, down at the road, and forward across the street, taking in my surroundings. I was the only life visible in the streets. Cautiously, I took a step forward, then another and another until I was finally walking normally again. My breathing and heart beat had slowed until they were finally calm.

I don't know how long I'd been walking before I came to a fork in the road. This is strangely familiar... I thought, frowning a little. Left or right?

Finally, after a few minutes of contemplating, I decided to turn left. I walked down the street, watching the buildings disappear into trees, bushes, and tall grass, then to nothing and back to the trees and grass. I frowned, seeing as this went on for miles, but I also had else nothing to do, so I followed it until I saw a house in a clearing that had some trees near it, but not too close.

"Wow... That's kind of cliché..." I muttered as I continued onto the house. "But it's also kind of cool, I guess, if you think about it a certain way..."

When I got up to the door, I knocked on the door, waited for a minute, and walked in when I got no response. It seemed to just be a habit, I guess... Because of my amazing ability to control my curiosity, I ended up exploring the house, finding every room that I looked in to be empty. But, when I was about to leave, I noticed another door. I sighed, knowing that my curiosity was going to get the best of me again, and walked over to the door. I reached my hand up to the knob, then stopped for a second to look myself over again. My eyebrows shot up when I found that I was wearing my favorite pair of red skinnies, a plain black long sleeved shirt, and red and black striped socks. Wasn't I just in my boxers? Oh well...

I opened the door and found a bed, a large Plasma screen TV on the wall, and a closet on the left side of the wall. There was no window, nothing other than the TV on the wall, no sign of life or a family. I frowned and walked into the room and over to the bed. I kneeled on it and leaned over to see the other side of the bed. When I was about to sit up and get off of the bed, I was pushed down and felt some weight on my back.

With a struggle, I tried to roll over and sit up, but just earned myself a chuckle from my captor, identifying it as a male. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Your so cute, especially when you're struggling."

As soon as the sound of the voice entered my ears, I froze. Oh no... How did he catch up to me and when did he get here?!

I struggled a little more, then froze again when he ran his hand across my cheek, down my jaw, and down my neck. He chuckled and continued, running his fingers down my back, stopping at my waist. I gasped in shock and tried to struggle out from under him, but he just pinned my hands above my head and continued, yet again. He reached underneath my stomach and down a little to the button on my jeans.

"Stop! Please, James! Please stop, get off me!" I cried as he unbuttoned my pants and stuck his hand in my boxers. I screamed, which must have brought him pleasure because he was drooling on to my back. I cried out again and was silenced with a slap to the face.

I opened my eyes and found myself staring up at my mother. She was the one that slapped me, and woke me from the nightmare.

"Finally, you're awake... Shut up and stop screaming, I was trying to get some sleep..." my mother said as she stood and walked away and out of my room.

I sat up and held my cheek, in a way, relieved from the pain. It got me away from that nightmare, away from that memory, away from James, away from everything. I sighed as I looked at the time on the clock. 5:15. I ruffled my hair a little and walked to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school.


Thanks everyone that reads this for reading it :) please comment on what you think of this and pic is of Rachel.

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