Yay, Fun! But then school... (ch 12)

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Mkay, quick warning: there's gonna be some things going on in this chapter, you know, between two guys. Sooo if you don't like that kind of stuff but still want to read the chapter, then I'll put a little thing to show you where it starts and where it ends. Mkay, carry on now.


I stared into the mirror for a few more minutes before pulling my shirt up to cover the hickey. I sighed and walked downstairs into the living room where everyone was at.

"Hi," I said, waving to them and sitting on the couch next to Rachel.

"Hey, you feeling better?" Rachel asked after giving me a quick hug.

"Yeah, thanks."

"That's good. We don't like seeing you like that," Cameron added, smiling a little. I smiled back and nodded a thanks to them. Jeez, I'm so lucky to have friends like this, aren't I?

"Thanks again," I said, smiling at them, then asked, "What are we gonna have for lunch?"

Danielle shrugged and looked at Rachel and Cameron. "What do you guys want?"

Cameron shrugged and looked at Rachel. "How about quesadillas?" Rachel asked, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "They're easy, quick, and really good."

"Okay, I'll go get the stuff then. Anyone want to help?" Danielle asked as she stood.

I would've offered to help, but I hurt to much, and Cameron gave me that 'you're staying there with that ice pack' kind of look, so I just sat back against the couch.

"I'll help," Rachel said as she stood and followed Danielle into the kitchen, leaving me and Cameron alone.

I laid on my back, then sprawled myself out on the couch. I let out a soft sigh and stared up at the ceiling, my hands resting over the icepack that lay on my ribs. Cameron came over to me and put his hand on my forehead, staring down into my eyes.

"I still want to know who did this to you..." he murmured. "Now lift your head up so I can sit by you."

I did as I was told and sat up until he sat back on the couch. Then I let my head lay in his lap and let him play with my hair. I felt myself starting to doze, and tried to fight it, but couldn't. So, about fifteen minutes later, I was lying with my head in Cameron's lap, sleeping soundly.

Later that night~~~

I snuggled up into a fluffy pillow, pulling the soft, silky blanket up to my face. "So warm," I murmured, snuggling into the pillow more. I stopped, though, as soon as I heard a chuckle. My eyes fluttered open and I sat up slowly. "Who's there?" I asked groggily as I rubbed my eyes.

"It's me," the voice said. "Cam."

I smiled a little as he sat next to me on the bed. "Oh, hi Cam. What time is it?"

Cameron pulled out his phone and unlocked it. "Almost eight. You slept through dinner."

"Oh. I didn't realize I was that tired."

"Yeah, you fell asleep before lunch, so Rachel and Danielle had me take you up here so you could sleep more comfortably."

"Oh, thanks. I feel a lot better now, but I still hurt..." I rubbed my arm as I slowly swung my legs over the edge of the bed. "Would you mind coming with me to get some food?"

"Sure, come on." Cameron helped me up, then walked next to me to make sure I didn't fall over.

When we got to the kitchen, we started to look for something for me to eat. Ah, the problem that I always had when I was hungry: I never knew what I wanted to eat. I sighed and continued to look until Cameron grabbed a package of tortillas and shredded cheese.

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