He shrugs playfully, a grin spread on his lips.

'We have a month, we're perfect.'

I laugh at that, looking at him with all the love in the world.

'Only 2 months until I buy an apartment for New York.'

His smile drops a little, something only I could notice.

'Yeah, which reminds me we should fill out those forms'

I nod, stepping up from his lap.

'How about we bake?' I ask, setting the guitar down beside the window.

'Cookies?' Justin asks, moving the chair to its original position.

'Yeah! We need to go to the store though.'

He just smiles, helping me put on my coat. I don't even care that I'm in my onsie. I place slippers on my feet, so my ladybug feeties don't get wet.

Justin laughs at my appearance as he takes out his phone, snapping a picture.

'This is going on instagram' he laughs, tapping away on his phone.

I laugh at him, opening the door. He walks out first, me following closely behind.

I step into the car, my face lined with raindrops.

'Why didn't I bring a hood?' I ask, strapping my seatbelt.

'Because your stupid' Justin laughs, strapping himself in.

'Excuse me Bieber but you didn't bring one either.' I state, looking at his damp hair.

He makes some sort of face and begins driving to the closest store.

I laugh at him as he sings stupidley to old songs on the radio.

'Come on babe' he laughs, stepping out of the car. I pout, following him out into the rain.

I keep my head down, running into the store, gasping for air when Justin comes in after me.

I laugh at his appearance, his wet hair and clothes, his chest going up and down furiously as he tries to catch his breath.

He takes my hand, walking down the isles together.

'Justin we forgot a cart.'

He looks around him, spying an empty one and runs for it.

'What do we need, sweetheart?'

'Eggs, chocolate chips, sugar and cherrys.'

I smile cheesily at him while he raises an eyebrow at me.

'You don't need cherrys to make cookies?'

'I know, I just want cherrys.'

He laughs at me as I run down the isle of the milk section, picking up butter and milk, gaining a few stares because of my clothing choice.


'Justin the cart!' I yell through the rain, laughing as he tries to push it away.

'Ashlee get in the car!' He says sternly, trying not to laugh.

I run to him, taking the cart from his hands and placing it in the right place. He lifts me off my feet, running to the car.

'Hey! I've always wanted to dance in the rain' I say playfully, reaching into his back pocket to get the keys. I unlock it and he quickly places me on my seat as he runs to his side.

'Well that was fun.'

We both burt out in laughter. I reach up and stroke his wet cheek, taking in his beauty. He's so gorgeous.

'Let's get you home'

I smile in agreement, looking out on the rain falling from the sky. Everything about the rain was beautiful, I've always felt that way.

10 minutes later we pulled up at my house, emptying the groceries.

I take off my coat, placing it over the couch while justin plays music on the Ipod dock.

'First we add eggs and flour' I say, watching Justin trying to measure the ingredients.

'How about I do that and you mix them together?' I laugh, watching his face scrunch up in concentration.

'Yeah alright'

I smile, mesuring the right amounts and hand them to Justin who then starts mixing them in the bowl together.

'Is this right?' He asks.

I walk over to him, looking down at the bowl.


I stand up on my tiptoes, kissing his lips lightly. When pulling away I raise my eyebrow at him.

'You've been eating the dough!' I exclaim.

His face is washed over with guilt.

'You know what?' I say playfully, taking the tray of filled cookie dough. 'You're not getting any!'

His face is washed with shock, disappointment and guilt. I try hold back a laugh when I place the tray into the oven.

'No don't do this to me!' He whines, following me into the living room.

'Shouldn't of ate the batter then!' I yelled back, a laugh escaping my lips at his shocked face.

'I'm sorry!' He yells.

I laugh at his innocence.

'I'm kidding Justin.' I smile, jumping on the couch.

Before I could protest he runs forward, grabbing my legs and pulling me down while he effortlessly tickled me.

'S-stop' I whine, trying to pry his hands away from me.

'Tell me you love me!' He yells over the house.

'No!' I yell back, squirming under his touch.

Just then the oven ring goes, indicating that the cookies are ready.

'Justin the cookies.' I moan, trying to get out of his grip.

'Don't moan like that babe, you know what it does to me.'

I laugh again, kissing his cheek. I feel his hands untense and I take the opportunity to run out of his arms.

'You little-!'

'Watch it Bieber or I really won't give you cookies.'

I put up a finger sternly, hearing his footprints follow behind me as I lift the tray from the oven.

His hands sneak around my waist when I rise up, placing the tray on the counter.

'I really love you.' He coos, nuzzling my neck.

'I really love you too.'

And I meant it.. I'll always mean it.

~Writers Note~

Boo! Yay I promised this chapter so here it is! Guys since its halloween break I don't think I'll be updating until next Wednesday. I know its a while but I've updated like 4 times this week but knowing me I'll probably have one posted by then. But if not here's your reason why! I'm not really sure if I like this chapter or not but leave your thoughts in the comments. Only 3 more chapters left! Ahhh!

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