"Anybody up for some cake and ice cream?" Mary suggests.

We all nod, and walk over to the kitchen. I immediately see my mother cutting up the cake, she gives me a small smile but I ignore it. She should have been there for me.

She hands me a piece of cake with the guilt on her face. I give her a quick glare before walking to the kitchen table. At least she knows what she did was wrong. But I know, and I hope she knows this as well, it's going to take awhile to forgive her.

For the next 30 minutes it's all smiles and cake. The Cole family talks about funny childhood memories and Hanna and I just sit back laughing.

Even though this isn't huge party, all the people that truly care about me are here. I love this feeling. The feeling of being loved.

The party ends when Hanna gets a call from her mother saying she has to go. I walk her out to her car that was sitting in the driveway.

"Thank you so much for being here for me." I say giving her a hug and smile.

"In case you haven't noticed you are my best friends and I'll always be here for you." she tells me.

"I know. And I'm so grateful to have someone like you in my life. I don't know what I'd do without you." I tell her.

"Sane here." she says giving me hug before getting in her car and driving off.

She sticks her arm out the window and waves back at me, Even though she can't see me, I wave back. Once I can't see her car anymore, I head back to the house.

Right when I walk in I bump into my mother.

"Oh, I'm sorry." she says regaining her balance.

"You should be." I murmur.

"Is there anywhere we can talk?" she asks.

"No." I simply say, anger boiling inside of me.

Before she can say anything else I stomp up the stairs. When I reach the top I hear the front door close. I turn back around and see a small box at the foot of the stairs. I quickly make my way to the bottom of the stairs. I pick up the box and slowly open it. There is a small heart shaped locket inside. I slowly open the locket and see the small picture inside of it.

Inside is a picture of me when I was a child. I'm in my father's arms, and next to him is my mother. Before the tears start I snap the locket shut.I hold it tightly in my hand, until the once cold silver is warm from my hands.

I turn around and slowly make my up the stairs.

When I make it to my room, Jax is stretched over my bed. I set down the necklace discreetly so he doesn't see it.

"Hey babe." he says sitting up.

"Hey." I reply, giving him a small smile.

"You okay?" he asks me with worry on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired." I tell him.

"Well them come to poppa." he says, opening his arms.

I walk over to him with a smile on my face. His strong arms envelop me into a tight hug. Unexpectedly Jax falls back on the bed, putting us in a compromised position.

Our noses touch and I can feel his rapid heartbeat underneath me. I give him a quick kiss on his nose and roll off him before anything happens.

He groans in disappointment.

I grab his hand, "Just wait young grasshopper." I tease him.

"I know, I know. But I don't know how much longer I can wait." he says, laying on his side so now that he is facing me.

"Me either." I tell him.

He falls back onto the bed and we stay there in silence.

He grabs my hand and smiles at me, "Did I tell you the short hair makes you look even hotter."

"Shut up Jax." I laugh at him.

"Hey! I was just being honest." he smiles at the ceiling.

"I know. But did I tell you I love you?" I ask squeezing his hand.

"Yes you did. But did I tell you are my everything?" he asks me.

"No," I lie," but you can tell me as many times as you want now." I tell him.

He brings his face closer to mine,"You." He says kissing my cheek.

"You are my everything." he says showering me with kisses. He finally finds my lips and gently kisses me.

He kisses me softly and delicately. Just how I like it.

I break the kiss just to say these words, " I love you."

"I love you too babe."

New Beginnings {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now