Unfinished Works

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Hey guys we've come a long way! One more chapter and this book is done! But don't worry I have some TenRose stories in the works like The Red Rose Manor! But here are some one shots that I started but didn't get very far with. But I will post them anyway! I hope you enjoy them.

1. John's POV

Another day, she will be here soon for her morning coffee. She was absolutely breath-taking with her golden hair and doe eyes. Her name was Rose, she was a college student as well but she was only in her first year while I was in my last. She got her coffee before her morning classes I suppose.

She probably wouldn't be interested in a barista. But I was certainly interested in her, I smiled as I saw her walk through the door. An idea popped into my head, I knew what I had to do.

"Hello! What can I get you today?" I ask joyously. She smiled with her tongue through her teeth, causing my to shiver.

"Hi, can I get an espresso please? Oh and a peppermint tea." She giggled. I nodded, and charged her.

"I think you undercharged me," she pointed out.

"You come in a lot, a gave you a discount. Have a good day," I explain. I don't really get anything from here, giving her my employee discount was nothing at all. But I had one more thing to do, as I was making her coffee and tea I drew a police box on her espresso.

"Thank you," she smiled, as she took them both. Hopefully she liked the picture, and hopefully I drew it on the right cup. I guess we will find out tomorrow. Later that day after we closed shop, I saw her walking. Rose met my eyes, waved, and I waved back enthusiastically.

"I love your picture!" Rose shouted, causing me to smile widely.

"You can expect another tomorrow!"

"I can't wait!" She laughed, before running back to her dorm.

2. Rose's POV

"You know I love you," The Doctor whispered; as we lay together in his bed. I nodded, turning to face him. His skin was cold against mine, but it was a nice contrast. I nuzzled comfortably into the safety of his collarbone, his arms securing me to him.

"I love you too," I whisper, running my hand's through his messy and damp fringe. I looked up at him seeing his eyes filled with such despondency. I couldn't help but grow sad with him. His cool lips were relaxing against my sweaty forehead, as he held me tightly to him.

"I don't want to lose you," He sobbed. The harsh reality of my human life being so short, was so heartbreaking. I began to cry along with him, I couldn't grasp the fact that he would be alone. That he wouldn't be with me.

"I'm sorry," I stuttered; as he shook his head in my shoulder.

"Human's are absolutely brilliant, one of my favorite species; don't apologize for being one." He stated, running his hand's through my hair.

"That's not why I'm sorry," I whispered, pressing our foreheads together. His eyes fixated on mine, they where so far gone.

"I'm sorry I can't give you more. I'm sorry you will be alone when I'm gone." I sobbed; before he pulled my lips to his.

3. Rose's POV

"Rose?" The Doctor called out, waving his arms. His eyesight had taken by a stun-gun, from what I've been told it was temporary.

"I'm here," I promise, taking a seat next to him. Getting him back to the TARDIS was the first thing to do, which was possibly the hardest thing on the list.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now