Q & A

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hello guys!

I'm doing something a Little new! I want you guys to ask me, and the Doctor and Rose, or just anybody who has appeared in my oneshots some questions! Since a lot of you have been saying you like how I portray the characters! so go ahead and ask away! Remember I'm always taking request, if you have any!
Doctor: well kanamesgirl it's the best thing I could ever ask for! It may be tricky watching over her, since she wonders. But I love her for it.

Doctor: hxllosweetie well it would probably be I love you, but sadly I know I could lose her. And I couldn't do that to her, I love her to much to hurt her like that. Giving hope to something we both know can't actually last forever.

Doctor: ilottedrwho well, if you haven't noticed they can fly as well. I assume the plunger could help move things. But normally they order around beings to do there bidding, promising them safety. But they kill them after anyway once they have gotten what they want. Also daleks are in a shell, there actual body is somewhat squid or octopus like. So they still have working arms or tentacles!

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu