Our Future (part 2)

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Doctor's POV

Needless to say, I was rather upset with her idea. I lied, telling her I would think about it. My answer was a straight no, I wasn't loosing her like that.

We could find a different way, I did like the fact that we had a possible future together. I loved Rose dearly, but the thought of loosing her killed me.

But when we do, or if we do find a way. I promise to never let her leave. My wife, imagine that.

The thought of Rose walking down the isle, so she could be wed. So she could be claimed as my lover, my soulmate.

The lonely god they call me, quite the name for someone with the most gorgeous girlfriend at his side.

Is that what we are? I suppose so, but I was happy with that title anyway. I nuzzled my head into Rose's hair, as hummed in response.

"Get some rest, I have some things to figure out!" I chirped tucking in my lover, as I kissed her head storming from the room.

I looked through the library over and over, nothing. I sighed, holding my forehead. As I shut the book, setting it down.

"TARDIS, if she were to look into you. I'm not saying she is! But theoretically, would she survive?" I gulp nervously.

"You find out, she just did," the TARDIS hummed in response.

My eyes shot open, "She what!" I shouted, running to the console room. Rose lay on the floor, as I nearly cried.

I instantly was at her side, as I knew she was breathing. This gave me quite the relief, as I checked her pulse. Normal for a Time-Lord, but she's not.

I placed my hand over her chest, as I found the second heart. A goofy grin spread on my face, as tears fell from my eyes. I wasn't alone anymore.

I pulled her into my arms, as I happily laughed. She stirred as she looked up at me with a smile. I didn't hesitate to press my lips to hers. She was Time-Lord, and she was mine.

Rose kissed back, as her arms wound around my neck. My lovely Rose, my lovely Time-Lady. Never to leave my side. I guess we could really have a future.

The goofy grin and blush stained my face, as Rose kissed all over my features. She was using me as a teddy bear, I didn't mind. I mean who wouldn't mind!

The thought of loosing her came again, as I held her tightly causing her affections to stop.

"Rose, please don't scare me like that again," I whimpered. Shaking lightly, thinking I almost lost her.

Rose nodded, as she calmed me down. As she tugged me to the medical bay.

"Shouldn't we make sure I'm actually okay?" She asked. Sitting down on the bed, waiting for me to check everything.

I nodded, as I examined it all. She was alright, and would only get better.

"We can have a future now can't we?" She whispered.

A cheeky grin grew, as I laughed.

"Of course we will!" I chirp, kissing her again. After I took her back to her room, as we sat with notepads planning our future.

She laughed, as the subject of kids came along. I gulped nervously, I didn't know what I wanted. As long as I have Rose, it was fine.

She kissed my cheek, as she sat In my lap. My arms around her as my head resigned on her shoulder.

"I promise, this will be the best future you can ask for. I promise not to leave your side for any of it," I announced.

Rose blushed, as she agreed. Us laughing, as we knew we had everything planned, our future.

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