The 903 year old baby

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Rose's POV

"You're such a child, sticking just about everything in your mouth. Like a baby!" I exclaimed. As the Doctor was chewing on his sonic. He stopped chewing on it, and stared apologetically.

"I'm 903 years old, i'm not a baby. Sorry it's as if I constantly need something to chew on!" He rambled. As he pulled me against him, as he buried his head in my shoulder.

A few weeks passed, as the Doctor was acting like a child. As he even threw temper tantrums, I was getting rather annoyed. Especially with him putting all of my stuff in his mouth, including my make up.

I had a plan, but the TARDIS would have to help. The TARDIS changed the Doctor into a navy blue onesie. As he stared at his outfit confused, I slammed a pacifier in his mouth. Which he immediately sucked on, as he chewed it.

I took his hand leading him into a nursery, curtesy of the TARDIS. As I pushed him onto the bed, as the TARDIS trapped him in a blanket. Like how they do in a nursery, as I pulled up the gate on the crib. The Doctor squirmed, as he stared up at me obviously upset and confused.

"If you're going to act like a baby, i'm going to treat you like one," I giggled. Kissing his forehead, as I plopped into the rocking chair. Instantly grabbing a Doctor Seuss book, as I read it to him.

Suddenly he began throwing a huge temper tantrum, as he smirked. He was purposely testing his limits, or maybe mine. I got up, grabbing a bottle as I took the pacifier, plopping the bottle in his mouth.

"You need sleep," I cooed. As I took the bottle away.

"You're really enjoying this aren't you?" He asked, before I slammed the pacifier back in his mouth.

I laughed, I was enjoying this. Every single minute of it, as I began to sing a lullaby to him. I opened the side gate, as I laid down with him. Pulling him into my chest, supporting his head. Singing into his hair, as I rubbed and patted his back.

I could feel his body calm, as he cuddled closer. He was always such a child, but then again it never really bothered me. It was just something more to love, and tease him for. My eyes drifted shut, as I slept peacefully.

My eyes opened, to be inside the crib alone. As I was trapped in the blanket, with pink footie jim jams on. As I pink pacifier was in my mouth, I didn't protest. I simply yawned, as I shut my eyes again. Hey, he was to win once and a while. I couldn't handle another temper tantrum.

I was falling back to the world of sleep, when I felt faint lips on my forehead.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora