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Doctor's POV

After the beast had told Rose such a terrible lie, I thought she may fancy a visit with Jackie. Jackie insisted Rose stay the night, even though Jackie was going out for the night. Rose couldn't help but say yes, as she situated in her old room.

At least I can get some repairs done, nothing too much but just enough for the time to pass. After a little while the TARDIS distress signal went off. I jumped up, causing my head to slam onto the console. As I stared at the screen, someone was choking Rose.

My defenseless Rose, as they where sitting on her hips. I ran to the flat, as the sonic unlocked the lock. I yanked them off of Rose, as Rose coughed trying to retain her breath. As I slammed my fist into his jaw, as I was tackled to the floor.

His hands tightened around my throat, as I was thankful for my bypass. As I saw Rose grab the lamp, as she threw it on his head causing him to pass out. I shoved him away, as I pulled Rose into my torso. As I got us out of the flat, dialing the police.

It was the only thing to do, as they came shortly. I insisted I was fine, as the helped Rose with her breathing. I cringed as I saw the marks on her throat, something that should never be on her delicate skin.

I could tell she was shaken rather badly, who could blame her. She was in her other home, somewhere she should always feel safe. As she was sleeping, Rose was utterly defenseless. My hand staid tight with hers, as a cop came up to me.

I kissed Rose's temple, as I walked with him knowing he wanted to talk.

"Thank you for helping catch this man, you lucked out. He's a sick man, you're quite lucky she didn't  end up like the rest of the victims. Law issues a reward or 50,000." He explained, as he handed me a check walking away.

What good was money? I probably will give it to jackie, her window had been broken. Plus paramedics get paid for this sorta thing, as Jackie's car pulled up. Instantly she rushed to Rose, as I tapped her shoulder handing her the check.

Rose was trembling, as she kept her head down. Jackie mouthed thank you, knowing I was there to save Rose. Jackie hugged Rose, but Rose didn't respond. Her hand was where I left it when I let go, as I slowly took it.

Her trembling slowed, as Jackie let go staring. Rose slowly slid closer, as she buried her head into my chest. I held her head, and her lower back close as her trembling seized. I heard the TARDIS, as it was calling for Rose.

"Jackie, would you like to stay with Rose and I. In the TARDIS tonight?" I ask, knowing Rose may need her mom.

"I think she needs you more than me, plus I should go clean up the mess." Jackie smiled, as she kissed Rose's temple, heading back to the flat. I slowly picked my fragile Rose up, as she clung to me tightly. I know they checked her thoroughly, but I had to check myself to be sure.

As soon as I let her go, she whimpered. Her arms open lightly, so I could return into her arms for a hug. I nodded, not able to turn down my crying Rose's cries for reassurance. As we returned into one another's arms.

"Are you okay?" Rose asked, her voice hoarse. I was a little taken back, she did save me as well.

"I'm okay, bypass remember? Thank you for the whole lamp thing," I praise, as I cuddle closer. Rose snuggled into my neck, as my head rested on her shoulder.

"Thank you," She sniffled. As I nodded, my lips meeting her neck. As I lovingly kissed, as Rose sighed in contentment.

"Don't thank me, I will always save you. I promised you forever, and I don't intend on letting anyone cutting that short," I admit. As Rose nods, her lips lightly kissing my neck now. I knew she would be alright, as I carefully took her to my bedroom.

I knew she was violated in the safety of her own room, so maybe if she was in my room she may not think about it. Carefully I laid beside her, as she instantly whimpered. I smiled, seeing her arms open again.

A warm invitation for love and comfort, as I pulled us together as we both drifted off in one another's arms.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt