Small Flower

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Sorry its so short, but I really like it this way.

Doctor's POV

"Doctor we need to fix this," cried the seven year old Rose. "I don't want to be a kid again!"

"I'm trying to figure this out Rose, I'll fix this," I sigh, not even sure if I knew how to.

Rose stomped around, her outfit to big for her small legs. As she kept trying to keep them on her child body.  Rose dropped in a sitting position, as Rose began to cry her face in her hands. Rose always broke my hearts when she cried, but  this was unbearable.

A young helpless child, that was once my lovely young companion. Dropping to a knee, I curled the small Rose into my arms, as her clothes hung over her feet and arms. I nearly chuckled, but I knew she was already embarrassed and knew not to cause any more damage.

Rose was now young, and her thoughts where majorly out of proportion. Along with her taking things harsher than originally implied. Her head fell against my shoulder, as she sniffled clinging around my neck.

"Nap time," I say lightly. As I just wanted to help Rose, and this cranky and depressed stage was normal. So I knew she could use some rest, being a father once dealing with children wasn't at all hard. But Rose was polite enough not to make it any harder, her cries for help and reassurance didn't bother me at all.

"Okay," she whispered. As I gently set her down on her bed, which seemed huge to her current size.  As she looked down at her long pants and sleeves, and looked back up at me.

"Can you hand me one of my T-shirts?"  Rose asked, her eyes piercing my soul. I nod finding a old high school PE T-shirt, as I handed it to her. Rose looked at me a little confused, as I took the hint to let her change.

After a while her small voice called, "You can come back in,"

I smiled at the small form, in the long shirt that reached past her knees. As her hair was sloppily tied up,  and the blankets engulfed her.

I chuckled lightly, sitting on the edge of the bed, as Rose fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. I carefully tucked the covers at her chin and sides. As I went to sought out a way to fix my little companion.

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