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Rose's POV

The Doctor and I were visiting my mum, when he decided to go get us some chips, I waited for him to return. A very classy man approached me, I was shocked when I realized who he was. He was Cane Trifle, he was a modeling agent.

"Hello, I hate to intrude. But you are absolutely gorgeous! I'm Cane Trifle, modeling agent. Ever think of modeling? Because I would love to hire you!" He beamed.

"Oh why thank you, but I've never modeled. I probably wouldn't be very good at it." I stuttered.

"You would be perfect, please consider! Heres my card." He persuaded, handed my his card, and kissed my hand after he shook it. He walked away into his limo,as the Doctor appeared.

"Who was that?" He asked, almost nervously.

"Cane Trifle, " I spoke wearily, still in shock. Me a model? It would be nice, but I wouldn't leave the Doctor for some job.

"Who's Cane Trifle?" He asked dumbfounded. He seemed almost jealous, as he shakily handed me the chips. I took them, and sat down, eating a chip.

"He's a modeling agent, he offered me a job." I gulped.

The Doctor instantly spit out his food, as he choked.

"Are you considering it?" He asked, very concerned. I simply shrugged my shoulders, I seemed as if he was going to cry. Why was he taking this so hard?

I scooted closer, rubbing his back. "I won't do it, if your not okay with it." I murmured. He sighed shaking his head. He jumped up and grinned.

"No, Go ahead! You'd be wonderful!" He smiled. I took his hand, as he instantly stared at out hands intertwined.

"As long as you come with me, I will just try it out. I promise, just because I'm doing this doesn't mean I will be leaving you." I admitted.

He nodded, his grin was back to with genuine smile. We walked back to my mums flat. She hugged us both, as she made us tea. The Doctor seemed to be a little lost in thought.

I sighed, as I scooted closer. He instantly snapped out of it, and stared at me. I smiled weakly at him, as I leaned my head on his shoulder. This was a big leap from my normal. I wonder what the Doctor thinks.

Doctor's POV

I couldn't help but think of my lovely Rose, her beauty being showed to all the world. Her moving on from me, having so many admires. I loved her dearly, but after this she will find someone better than me. Someone who can give her a normal life.

I snapped out of these thoughts, when I noticed Rose scoot closer. Her head rested on my shoulder. Shivers went up my spine, as my hearts raced. Jackie walked in, as she stared at our position.

"So what took you so long to get back, from your chips?" She asked.

"Rose was asked to be a model," I spoke, before Rose could protest. Jackie stared at Rose, as her jaw dropped. Rose sighed, as she got up and walked out the front door.

We followed but soon lost her, we both returned to the flat. As we waited for Rose to return. She walked in, I was in shock. Rose looked stunning, she walked over to me, pulling my hand.

"Bye mum," she called, as we walked back to the TARDIS. As soon as we got inside, Rose buried her head into my chest. I hesitated to wrap my arms around her, but soon did so.

"I did a shoot," She mumbled. That was quick, I thought to myself. Rose is beautiful, of course they would want photos as soon as possible.

"I should have been there," I stated. She nodded. "I have another shoot on the sixteenth."

"Okay," I whispered, as I realized, I was running my hand through her hair. She didn't protest, she nearly purred at my touch.

"My little model," I say. She looked up at me instantly.

"Yours?" She questioned. Her eyes with plead. I ran over my last sentence in my head, I called her mine.

"My companion, of course." I nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. She seemed hurt, as she nodded again.

Weeks went by, so many people would run up to Rose. Asking for pictures, autographs, some guys even asked for hugs. Rose always stayed close, she hid behind me most of the time.

She was very insecure, when men cat called her. I ended up having to keep some drunk or just touchy men away. My arm stayed wrapped around her waist, at all times.

I watched her pose, in such revealing outfits. I didn't like it, I didn't like the fact that 'fans' wanted to see her like this. Only a lover should see their partner this way.

I felt selfish, I wanted to be the only one to see her this way. I loved her very much, I just wanted her to be mine.

After a while, Rose seemed so tired. They were overworking her, I knew it. She loved the work, but some she seemed like she was missing something. We got home to the TARDIS, as Rose instantly kissed me.

I hugged back, and kissed her passionately.

"Mine," I purred in her ear.

"Yours," she giggled.

"I don't want you in those outfits, only I should see you this way." I admitted. She nodded, and kissed my neck.

"No more modeling, I want to just be with you," She accepted. I nodded, as he got very lustful with our actions. The night only just began, as my back was pressed to the bed, with Rose attacking my neck with affection.

I certainly wouldn't mind this, I had my very own model. To myself.

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