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Doctor's POV

I sighed, as I was searching for my lovely Rose. She was having a lot of fun with her pink Rilakkuma footsie jim jams. I didn't mind, I am the one who bought them for her in the fist place. Rose was rather adorable, especially when she was wearing them.

I cautiously stepped around the corner, as Rose jumped on my back. Her legs around my torso, as she kissed my cheek. I laughed, as she threw a giggling fit.

"Found you," I chuckled. As she nodded no into my shoulder. "So you found me then?" I ask. As she nods yes, cuddling into my neck. I let out a sigh, and rolled my eyes.

"How are you so adorable love?" I ask. Carrying her off to her room, as I pushed the pink curtains around the bed out of the way. Setting her down, I kissed her softly.

"I'm not that adorable, I know plenty of people who would agree with me," She replied. As she softly kissed back, her laying beneath me.

"Sacrilege," I mutter. As I kissed her passionately, not giving her any time to reply. She kissed back, as we pulled one another closer. I nuzzled her closer, as I kissed her senseless. Rose giggled breathlessly, as she kissed my forehead.

"Doctor, i'm not anything sacred," She insisted.

"Yes, yes you are. You're sacred, and so much more," I mumble into her neck. As my hand caressed her hip, as she giggled. Her tongue through her teeth as she smiled, running her hands down my arms.

"So are you, you know," She whispered. Pulling me down onto her chest, her fingers combing my hair, as she whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

I shook my head no, I really wasn't. Well at least I couldn't imagine why, especially with all the things I've done.

"Yes love," She cooed. "You're wonderful, brilliant. But none the less, absolutely fantastic,"

I raised an eyebrow with a sly smirk, as she pulled me back to her chest.

"I can prove it too," Rose encouraged with a giggle. As she massaged my scalp with her fingers, as she used her foot to get off my Converse. Lightly pulling off my tie, she pulled off my suit jacket. My face flushed, as I could feel her intentions with her actions.

"You seem to be set on proving that to me," I chuckled. As I traced my fingers down her cheek, her leaning to my touch. I felt myself going limp, as her soothing actions had me more than relaxed. Rose traced her lips on mine, as every touch soothed my senses.

Definitely the best lover, and cuddle buddy I could ever ask for. I groaned, as she massaged my back and arms. As I muffled my groans of content, by pressing further into her chest earning a soft moan from her.

As I traced my hands, I soon found out she only had her knickers on under her onesie. I slowly covered us with the blanket, as I nuzzled her bare chest. I hid beneath the blanket, as rolled up my sleeves. I caressed ever part of what she was showing, as I listened to her content.

Rose let out a yawn, as I fixed her jim jams. As I fell to her side, pressing her to my chest as she kissed my neck and shoulder. Soon after, her actions stopped as she had fallen asleep. I chuckled playing with the teddy bear of me behind her back.

My lips pressed to her forehead, as I closed my eyes. I honestly couldn't even put into words how much I love cuddling days. Especially with my lovely Rose to cuddle with.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now