Love potions

589 31 20

Doctor's POV

Rose and I had just gotten back from an alien market. I needed a new circuit board for the landing maneuver in the TARDIS. They also gave me a bottle with pink liquid, that looks as if it was strawberry lemonade. He didn't tell me what was in the bottle, so I naturally just put it in the fridge.

I was laying down under the console as Rose wondered in. I instantly heard er giggle.

"Doctor, what are you doing?" She questioned in a sing song voice.

"Fixing the console. You sound rather cheery Rose." I answered. I got out from under the console and dusted myself off.

I was about to turn around, until I felt arms around my waist. Rose was hugging me as she buried her head into my back. I instantly froze up at her actions. Don't get me wrong, Im perfectly fine will all the hugs. But this was not in Rose's nature. Her burying herself to me and giggling just wasn't something she would do unless we were an actual couple.

Where we a couple? I do love her dearly, but even so I couldn't possibly understand why she is doing this now. I lightly pried her hands off and turned to face her.

As soon as I turned, her arms were around me again as her head snuggled my torso.

"Rose, are you feeling alright?" I questioned. She giggled and soon kissed my cheek.

"Yes, why would you think that?" She puzzled. Her hand laid on my chest as she cuddled me softly.

I grabbed her by her shoulders and looked deep into my eyes. "Rose, did you touch or eat anything at the market?" I questioned assuming someone had drugged my pink and yellow human.

Her eyes looked fine. She then pulled my lips to hers, as her hands ruffled into my hair. I kissed back and then realized this was wrong. I tried to push her off, and held her to the point she couldn't really struggle.

I then repeated. "Rose, did you touch or eat anything at the market?" My voice stern. She shook her head no, and then giggled at our closeness.

"No silly, I just drank the lemonade from the fridge. Your cute when your flustered." She notified.

My eyes went wide. I ran to the kitchen pulling her along, I flung the fridge open and saw the bottle with less liquid than before. I could feel her lips on my neck, as she licked me lightly.

I soon groaned, as she started to suck on my neck. I was going to regret this so much. I pulled her off of me and I walked her to her room, bringing the bottle. I pulled her in and slipped out locking her in her room.

I ran into the lab, I began to examine the liquid until I realized it was a love potion. I knew I had to make sure Rose was alright since the potion had her latched onto me.

I opened the door, and was instantly tackled by a crying Rose. She embraced me tightly as she kissed me over and over on my neck and face. Her lips soon captured my lips with mine. She obviously didn't want to let me go.

I sat up and tangled her into my arms.

"Rose, this isn't you. You need to relax and your not in love with me." I sigh.

"I do love you though." She encouraged.

I knew it wasn't true, how could she possibly love me? I was once again pulled to her lips, her tongue exploring my mouth. This one little human was making my hearts unsteady and popping out of my chest.

I kissed her back leading her into my trap. Her back on the bed as I then pressed to fingers to her temples. She fell unconscious, and I tucked her body in and snuggled her closer.

I kissed her head, and began to wait it out until morning. I then stroked her hair for hours. After a few hours, she had woken up.

"Mmnp." She mumbled and wearily looked around.

"Doctor?" she murmured with confusion.

"Morning, how do you feel?" I asked.

"Okay, wait did I really kiss you that much. I'm so so sorry." She began to cry. I pulled her tightly into my embrace.

"Its alright, Rose you said something last night. And I hate to ask, but do you really Love me. Last night, you were out of it and you said you loved me." I rambled a little to fast.

"Doctor, I do love you." She whimpered. She tried to hide her body away from me. Something boomed into my hearts. I grabbed her closer and pressed my lips to hers.

"Doctor, did you drink the potion?" She asked genuinely confused.

I soon chuckled. "No, I just love you so much."

I then kissed her again, and kept her close to me. "I love you too."

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora