Not all mean harm even if it's they who deliver.

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Rose's POV

I stared blankly at the cell wall, as I shuddered at the large snake. It was at least 20 feet long, with a wide circumference of 2 feet.

The Doctor decided to bring us to a reptilian planet, and then split up to follow a famous reptilian writer.

Little did he know the aliens had me arrested for my warm blood, and blond hair. The punishment was death.

I stared at the neon green snake with glowing pink eyes, my breath shallow to not draw even more attention to myself.

It hissed, as its irises turned into a deep blue. I couldn't look away, as my body froze.

It slowly slid forward, wrapping around my left calf. It's teeth sunk into my hip, causing me to cry out.

But my arms stayed trapped to my sides, it slowly releasing its venom before coiling itself further around my body.

Constricting my neck, it wrapped its body around my eyes; blinding me. My vain's burned in protest to the poison. As my body fell sideways, tied together by the creäture.

My jaw locked blocking out my screams. As it pulled hard, pushing ruthlessly against my windpipe, and crushing my ribs until I heard a snap. I whimpered, as it slowly loosened its eyes filled with what seemed as genuine concern. It retreated quickly, as my veins felt surprisingly well rested.

"I hurt you..." It hissed, slowly approaching again. "I'm sorry, it's just... It's just you're so warm... and I'm so cold. I got excited..."  It stammered.

I pulled myself up, wincing at the pain. "It's okay," I whimper, putting on a small smile. "What's in your venom?" I ask, the pain slowly subsiding.

"Antibiotics, I got excited and I figured best being safe," It spoke in its bold but soft tone. I nodded, with a smile my arms hugging my shattered ribs.

"You don't seem like a killer," I whispered, as It slithered back to me. It's head on my lap, and its tail wrapped around my back to cushion the hard wall.

"They took my from my home, from my family a year after I was born. They stripped me of my freedom, and I've been alone and cold for so long." He narrated, as my sprained hand brushed over the scales on his head.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, as he snuggled against my abdomen. "Why is such a lovely and warm thing such as yourself here? On this horrid and cold planet. Surely you knew they would hurt you?" He asked, in a comforting way.

"I didn't, I really didn't. I don't think my companion did either, if he did he wouldn't have left me alone." I sigh, "What is your name?" I ask, staring at my purple wrist.

"So you're not alone? That's good, but I can tell you handle yourself well, and hopefully you are keeping your companion in check. My name is Marcion, and yours my child?" Marcion asked.

"Rose, Rose Tyler," I wheeze lightly. "It makes sense, you are very beautiful, but you must have the sharpest of all thorns; and that is good my child, keep those thorns sharp and you will remain as innocent as you let on." Marcion hissed in encouragement. 

"We can help you, we will find your family and you wont be alone or cold again," I giggle, holding back a cough. Marcion chuckled, and shook his head sadly.

"I'm not from this planet valiant child, I'm afraid I will never leave." Marcion chuckled in despondency.

"We have a ship, it travels all through out time and space. When the Doctor realizes I'm in danger he will save us, I promise."

"You have much faith in this Doctor, does he know this?" He asks.

"I don't know, and I don't know what he thinks about me. But he promised to always...."

"Breath my child, no more talking. I'm sure your Doctor will save us, no man would dare leave a mate as lovely as you," Marcion encouraged, resting his tail against my shoulder to cradle my head as a pillow.

Every breath strained and constricted lightly, but it was not painful. My eyelids drooped heavily, as a buzzing came from the other side of the cell door.

The Doctor burst in, staring at us as I smiled lightly. "Marcion, Doctor. Doctor, Marcion," I introduce, resting on Marcion's body.

"You're not from this planet, from this galaxy either! What are you doing here?" He asked, his eyes finally taking in my battered body. He dropped at our side, his hand resting on my cheek.

"Rose," He stuttered, his other hand feeling my crumpled ribs. I smiled reassuringly, while he held my hurt wrist. I was about to speak, but the Doctor shook his head.

"We need to get Marcion home," I stuttered. He nodded back, as Marcion nuzzled the Doctor slightly.

"Okay," He whispered, his eyes filled with concern, fear, and something else I couldn't quite place.

"I'm going to get you out of here, my ship is just outside. Follow me," The Doctor ordered, scooping me up carefully as I whimpered into his shoulder.

We got to the TARDIS with ease, as Marcion decided to stay in the console room. The Doctor placed me on the bed gently, strapping the restraints to keep me safe till we could take Marcion home. The Doctor kissed my forehead, and walked out. I could hear Marcion over the communication's saying his thank you's and his goodbyes.

I smiled to myself, as I felt the TARDIS flying out into the time vortex. The Doctor ran back to my side, brushing the hair out of my face with a solemn look on his face.

The Doctor was careful when examining my wrist, and carefully running the sonic over it. The sonic waves calmed the nerves, as he wrapped it delicately. I inhaled sharply as his cool hands lifted my shirt lightly, to run the sonic over my ribs.

"What are you doing?" I ask, giggling lightly at the sensations.

"I'm increasing the healing time, so you won't have to have these injuries as long. I'm surprised you weren't writhing in pain, this type of stress in your body could have thrown you into shock." He admits.

"Marcion bit me, so he could give me antibiotics." I admit.

"You're quite lucky, Marcinthesis, some of the kindest cold-blooded aliens in the galaxy. Excellent healers, beside the lack of appendages," The Doctor rambled.

I nodded, as he pulled out a wrap for my torso. I carefully lifted myself up, as he slid it beneath me and carefully secured it tightly.

"I'm so sorry Rose, I should have been there earlier." He apologized.

"You know I love you, don't you?" I ask. His eyes filled with awe, as he shook his head frantically. I smiled lightly, kissing his cheek.

"Can you carry me to my bed?" I ask, "Maybe you can stay with me?" I ask uncertainly. The Doctor's atoms apple bobbed, as he nodded. Carefully he took me to my room, and he held me closely as we laid down together.


"Yes, Doctor?"

"I love you,"

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