Rose Doll

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Rose's POV

I hid my face in the Doctors chest, as he held me tightly to him. I was shaking beyond belief. Jack had called the Doctor for some help, on some case. Torchwood got involved because the person they were after had stolen a microchip from them.

The man was insane, he murdered women calling them dolls. We found a victim, as the Doctor held me. He knew I already saw the body, but knew it was best to comfort me.

Her hair was styled, with her mouth sewn shut. Rather detailed makeup, with a dress on. You could see the stitches up her arms, he had stuffed the body. As they eyes were replaced with glass ones, and another body with buttons.

Blood still stained on her flesh, and new dress. As a note was left sticking through the sewn lips. The note nearly made me faint.

"I want a new dolly, so I will get one."

I couldn't even imagine the pain, hopefully she wasn't awake for her demise. I wonder if she felt it, i'd hope not.

"The weird thing is, the only numbing he does is on their lips," Jack announced. Causing me to whimper, knowing that was the answer to my question. The Doctor rubbed my back soothingly, holding me in a very protective manor.

"I would assume its so the needle goes through the lips easier. Maybe even if they're supposed to be doll, the lips was something that was always perfect. He didn't want them messed up in the process." The Doctor replied hesitantly.

"That is the most reasonable explanation," Jack mumbled. I let my tears fall, as I tugged at the Doctor's sleeve. He looked down at me, his face rather upset. The Doctor used his thumb, to wipe my tears away. He then sighed, picking me up bridal style, keeping my face in his chest.

"Jack, lets get Rose in the TARDIS. It's not safe for her, and she shouldn't have to be scared like this." The Doctor practically commanded. We walked in silence, as I sniffled into his chest.

The TARDIS came into view, as Jack opened the door for us. Jack sat in the Captains chair, knowing full well the Doctor was taking me to my room. He sat me down, as he kissed my hairline. I didn't let him go, I was to scared of being alone.

"Ianto can stay with her," Jack called unexpectedly from the doorway, making me yip lightly. The Doctor, held me closer. As he looked about ready to murder Jack.

"Sorry Rose, Ianto can stay with you. You and him get along, he can handle a lot, I would know." Jack encouraged. I nodded into the Doctor's chest, Ianto was a good friend of mine.

Jack called up Ianto, after a while Ianto smiled in the doorway.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice," The Doctor thanked him.

"Anytime, you alright Rose?" Ianto asked, I nodded. Hesitantly letting go of the Doctor. The Doctor kissed my forehead as he held my hand lightly.

"Stay in the TARDIS with Ianto, we will be back soon." He cooed. I nodded, holding his hand as he walked away, our hands slowly loosing contact. They left, as Ianto sat with me, handing me some tea.

I nodded my thank you's, not able to talk. My voice barely there anymore, but Ianto simply smiled back, knowing what I meant. We walked into the console room, looking at the TARDIS screen, we decided to go find the theater.

We both looked up, as we heard loud noise from outside the TARDIS. Ianto pulled out his gun, slowly walking to the door.

"Rose, go to your room. I got this, don't go outside," He ordered. I did as told, waiting for twenty five minutes, as Ianto still hadn't returned. Maybe he was lost in the corridors.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें