Hazing fog

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Doctor's POV

The woods was always such a nice place to explore. Fog alters anythings emotions, almost as if they were in a trance. I realized this hazy fog had also affected my Rose.

She stared, at the fog in a trance like state. As the light rain, stuck to her long lashes. Her drowsy eyes, stayed fixated on her surroundings, as any noise or sound went unnoticed by her.

I followed her steps, watching my gentle little human. The rain got a tad bit heavier, as she stared up at the sky. It was always so amazing how weather affected moods so easily.

I noticed gentle tears on her face. As she was more than consumed in thought. I walked over to her, standing right in front of her. She didn't even move, its as if she didn't see me.

I slowly slid my arms around her waist, as I pulled her into my arms. Her head was now smothered into shoulder, as she snapped out of her small trance. She looked up at me confused, as she still had light tears.

I wiped them away, as I realized I have never been so close to her before.

"Welcome back," I chuckled, "Now what exactly got you so sad, you began to cry?"

She stared up at the sky once again, her eyes instantly went glum. Pressing her into my chest once more, she cuddled against me instantly. I picked up Rose, in a bridal style. As one arm was underneath her legs, the other on the back of her head, keeping her in my chest.

After quite some time, we arrived back at the TARDIS. I unlocked the door, about to set my companion down but realized how limp she was.
"You humans and your sleep," I smirked. I carried my soddened companion off to her room. The rain and moisture, surely had made my Rose shiver. Courtesy of the TARDIS, she had changed Rose into pink footed jim-jams.

I set her down, but her arms stayed around my torso. I sighed carrying her to the library. As I took one of her blankets as well. I sat on the recliner, pushing it back. As Rose sniffled in her sleep, cuddling into my chest.

I covered us in her blanket, as I read a old book from Gallifrey. Sipping my tea lightly, I was constantly caught off my book thinking of why my flower would have cried earlier.

She seemed rather content in her sleep. I realized in the fog she was in a rather surreal state. Maybe sleep was comforting, as was the fog. But sleep, had dreams. She probably thought of things daydreaming, a not so happy dream.

I realized Rose's eyes were now open, as she stared at me. She smiled, nuzzling into the crook of my neck. I kissed her hairline, uncertain of my actual intentions.

"Rose, you cried earlier. Its been troubling me, what were you thinking about? It was as if you were the only person in the world." I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I was thinking about when you regenerated," she sighed. As she pecked my cheek, blush spreading upon my features.

"Why would that make you cry?" I asked uncertain of myself.

"I just feel as I've seen this face before," Rose breathed.

"How?" I questioned.

"Never mind it Doctor," she cooed, kissing my cheek. I nodded knowing just to leave the topic, there really was no reason to worry I suppose. I might as well enjoy this moment.

The TARDIS spawned another cup of tea, for Rose and I. We drank our tea peacefully, as I read the book to her in my native language. I knew she wouldn't understand it, but she seemed rather interested at hearing me talk this way.

I could tell by the way she stared at my lips. But ever so often I stared at hers, wanting something far from what she was probably thinking.

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