Ball game

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I would like to say sorry for the long wait. I've been meaning to dedicate a chapter to you in a long time so let's give a good shoutout to Willowfirefly ! Thank you! For all your lovely support.

Rose's POV

I sighed loudly, the Doctor had a great idea of dragging us into car convention. I was bored out of my wits, as the Doctor had ran off. I walked kicking pebbles, as a female worker approached me.

"Hello! I have two tickets to a ball game, and I can't seem to go myself. Would you like them? No charge," She asked, holding out the tickets.

"Thank you, and yes," I smiled, taking the tickets. She smiled and ran off, I stared shocked at the seating arrangement. Front row seats, and by the pit. Maybe the Doctor would go, he seems rather interested in the cars though.

"Where did you get these?" The Doctor asked, from behind me. As he took the tickets from my hand. I jumped, startled at his sudden appearance. He put his glasses on, as he took my hand, dragging me along.

"A worker couldn't go, so she gave them to me," I replied. The Doctor then shouted.


We ran to the field, with minutes to spare. We took our seats, as the Doctor put his feet on the railing. I stared at the players, and I saw one who looked awfully familiar.

I shivered when I saw the words on his back. Stone, number 76. His lucky number, I gulped not knowing how loud I had done so.

"Something wrong?" The Doctor asked, as he placed his arm around me. I blushed at his rather unusual action. I shook my head no, hoping he would abandon the conversation.

He shrugged it off, and stood up.

"Why don't I go get you something to eat!" He suggested, as he walked off. I shivered not wanting to be alone, as I knew Jimmy stone may have seen me already.

Speak of the devil, Jimmy stone began to walk towards me.

"Why isn't it my love, Rose tyler!" He chuckled.

I looked away, as I fiddled with my thumbs.

"C'mon baby, you come to cheer me on?" Jimmy purred, suggestively.

"No, and if you wouldn't mind, I rather not talk to you." I asserted.

"Feisty, come on I can show you back stage. " He bragged.

"Isn't the game starting?" I retorted.

He looked back annoyed, as he walked away, but walked back to me.

"Was that your boyfriend? The one who was in the suit." Jimmy asked, with anger in his voice. I rolled my eyes, I wish he was. I suddenly nodded my head, hoping he believed I was 'taken', and was committed to the Doctor.

He mutters something incoherent, as he walks back to pit. After a few minutes, the Doctor jumped into his seat. He had a huge bag of popcorn, and some fish and chips.

"Anything happen while I was gone? You look a little shaken." He pointed out, as he handed me the fish and chips.

"Jimmy stone," I whimpered. His head snapped up as he stared at me in concern.

"What? Where? What did he say?" He asked.

"I told him we were dating, so he would leave me alone," I stuttered. I looked down, afraid of what the Doctor would do.

I felt the Doctors arm around me, as he kissed my temple. My face flushed, as I was rather confused.

"Well there's no arguing with that," The Doctor chirped, as my head leaned on his shoulder. We watched until it was Jimmy's turn to pitch the ball. He winked at me, as the Doctor pulled me closer.

The ball went flying as it hit the Doctor, knocking him unconscious. I screamed, as paramedics pulled the Doctor along. It was obvious the game had ended early.

I looked over to see Jimmy, I was furious. I stopped over, and chased him. I ran into a room, as I was alone. The door shut behind me, as I turned around. Jimmy was standing against to door, as he locked it.

"I told you, you're mine baby. Now that your boyfriends out of the way, I can claim you again." He barked.

My breathing hitched, as I took a step back. "Doctor," I whispered. I tried running, but Jimmy grabbed me. I was forced onto the floor, as I tried crawling away.

His arms held mine against the ground, as I could feel him undoing his belt. He was sitting on my lower back, as he used the belt to tie my hands. His hand clamped over my mouth, as he started pulling down my jeans.

All games had a small firework show, I could hear the loud booms, as my screams were nothing to compare. I crossed my legs, I wasn't letting this happen, I couldn't.

I sobbed, as he was trying to pull down my knickers. I heard an oh so familiar sound at the door. The sonic screwdriver, Jimmy pulled my shirt from my shoulder.

He sucked, causing the skin to go purple. As he began to leave bite marks. The door slammed open, as I felt Jimmy be ripped off of me. I saw the Doctor, he was punching Jimmy.

I pulled up my pants, as I curled up into a fetal position. I sobbed into my knees, I could never repay him for this. Security ran in, as they dragged away Jimmy. The Doctor ran to my side, as he pulled me into his lap.

I clung to him, as I sobbed into his chest. He picked me up, as the roar of the fireworks stung. The Doctor snuggled his head into my hairline. As I heard the creak of the TARDIS door.

I heard a reassuring hum, from the TARDIS.

"I'm here, I promise," The Doctor cooed. I was placed on a bed, presumably mine. I couldn't tell, as I had my head buried in the Doctor's chest.

"Im so so sorry, love. I should have tried to wake up. If I can put myself in a coma, I should have been able to withstand a blow to the head." He apologized.

I shook my head no, this was my fault. I ran after him, I took a while to realize he called me love.

"Why no?" The Doctor asked confused. As he pulled the blanket around us, his lips kept colliding with my temple.

"I-I r-an after him-m, c-cau..." I sobbed, not able to say anything more.

"I know you were angry, but if I get hurt. You shouldn't have to go after my assaulter, if they can hurt me, they very well could hurt you." He sighed.

I nodded into his chest, as his hand found my face, clearing away my tears.

"I don't want my precious little Rosie hurt," He admitted.

I looked up at him, and stuttered. "Yours?"

He nodded, "You mean very much to me, you're my lover only,"

I smiled weakly, as are lips combined. I kissed back, and hugged him even tighter.

"I'm your lover?" I asked in shock. He nodded, kissing me again. I leaned into his chest, still shaking at earlier events. His grip got tighter, as he secured me to his torso.

"Get some sleep love, I promise to protect you," He encouraged. I nodded, my eyelids getting heavier. I stared at his eyes, as mine shut. I hoped in the morning, his eyes would be the first thing I saw in the morning.

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