Spa massages!

265 15 10

Rose's POV

"Doctor, can we take a spa day?" I ask, rubbing my sore shoulder's. The Doctor's eyes filled with concern, as he pulled me closer.

"I know exactly the place to go Rose Tyler," He beamed, running around the console and taking us to a crystal planet with a large spa. I ran out the door's as the workers greeted us. I decided to push some boundaries, and sat on the Doctor's lap while we filled out the information pamphlets.

It was obvious he was a little startled, since he jumped slightly and his body stiffened. I was then taken back when his arm wrapped around my waist, and he pulled my back fully against his chest. His face buried itself into my neck, as his grip only tightened.

I giggled, kissing his temple while he blushed. Suddenly a very handsome man and a women arrived, the man smiled his eyes never leaving mine.

"I'm assuming your Rose, I'm Anthony and I will be your masseuse today; right this way love." He practically purred, as I couldn't help but follow. I knew the women was there for the Doctor, but if the Doctor wasn't going to make a move might as well see what this man had to offer.

"Never seen you around, I'm assuming your just passing through like everybody else." Anthony flirted, running his hand through his dark brown hair. The white T-shirt and jeans made his toned skin shine, his body was muscular and his smile was contagious.

"Yea, just passing through with my friend." I smile, noticing his eyes fixating on my tongue. If only the Doctor noticed me like this, my life would be absolutely complete.

"You and your friend seem pretty friendly," he chuckled. As we entered the room, it was white and smelled of rich lavender.

"He's not interested," I sigh.

"Well only a fool wouldn't want someone as beautiful as you." He winked, "I'll leave you to get your shirt and such off, I will be back in a minute."

I blushed, as he left; my shirt easily sliding over my head while I laid upon the table unclasping my bra. He arrived shortly, placing a towel on my bum before lathering his hand's with the oil. I couldn't see him due to the table, but his hand's were slightly calloused.

I groaned at the ministration's his gentle hand's supplied while the knot's in my back began to disappear. If only the Doctor would touch me like this, I couldn't help but imagine this is exactly what his hand's would feel like. Would the Doctor be jealous?

I brushed the thought off, as the way his hand's pressed into my spine made me moan lightly. I blushed in embarrassment, biting my lower lip to hold back any other sound that threatened to escape. The message soon ended, and my body went rigid as a breath tickled the shell of my ear.

"Rose, I am very interested," The Doctor whispered, before leaving the room. My face flushed, as I got dressed; now following Anthony, who smiled widely. I wanted to try the sensory deprivation tanks, which was a 45 minute process. Anthony left as I undressed stepping inside the tank.

It was absolutely lovely, I wonder if this is what the face of Boe felt like being inside that tank thing. It was such a blur getting out, as the Doctor's words were bouncing in my empty head. Getting dressed was difficult since everything was so surreal.

I soon walked out, cuddling the Doctor who embraced me tightly. His nose buried itself in my hair, as he paid for the service. We walked back to the TARDIS, the Doctor practically carrying me as we arrived.

"How was the sensory deprivation tank?" He asked, kissing my temple.

"Lovely," I slurred; taking his hand before walking back to my room. He easily followed, before I sloppily pulled his lapels so his lips pressed against mine.

The kiss was lazy, and a little sloppy but it was still very passionate. I pushed the Doctor on my bed, before climbing on top if him to sloppily kiss his neck.

"You better be giving me more massages,"

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