Chapter 26

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Maya's POV

"RILEY IT'S COMING !" I yelled as loud as I could, Riley came up running and stressing.

"WHAT'S COMING PEACHES ?!" She yelled back.

"THE BABY DUMMIE !" I yelled at her.

"Oh... OH ! OH MY GOD MAYAAAAAA!!!" She yelled in total panic.

She took her phone and called her mom and her dad.
T- calm down Riley I-- WHAT ?! OKAY WE'RE ON OUR WAY !" Then Topanga hung up.

"DAD THE BABY'S COMING QUIT CLASS ILL TELL UNCLE JHON !" I yelled through the phone, he hung up as well and I was on the bed. In pain.

"Maya Maya Maya we got this just... Stay calm" Riley said.

"RILEY I'M CALMER THAN YOU ON THIS !" I laughed and yelled at the same time.

Soon enough Topanga and Lucas came running,
"OH MY GOD MAYA YOU OKAY ?!" Lucas yelled, he had tears in his eyes and he was stressed as hell.

"I HAVE A COWBOY IN ME THAT IS ABOUT TO LEAVE MY BODY, DO I SEEM OKAY TO YOU ?!" I yelled at him, he just held my hand and kissed my forehead. All I needed.

Soon I stood up with all the Matthews and we got to the car. Cory had to pack stuff on the apartment so we were waiting on the car for him. He took a damn long time.

Cory's POV

I decided to wear my yellow pullover, the one I wore when Auggie was born. I was so stressed about everything going on. "Guys where's Maya ?!!?" I heard a car honk. "Of course she's in the car, all I could loose is a pregnant Maya" I laughed at myself, what a great throwback this is.

Lucas's POV

Maya was on her hospital bed, she was actually breaking my hand. She held it so tight I couldn't feel it anymore.

Riley came with some drinks.

"Hey honey, want some Coca Cola ?" I asked her in stress.

She nodded and she took the Coca Cola can, she drank it all at once and gave it to me.

"Impressive Maya" I said with a  fake impressed face, just to make her smile a little, and she did. I was relieved

"Miss Hart, who will have to stay with you ? Only two people." A nurse said, Chloé burst out the door in her nurse uniform.

"Am I too late Maya ?!" She said between breaths.
I let out a small laugh and looked at the nurse that was on the other side of the room.

"Miss, can Chloé be Maya's nurse ?" I politely asked her. Te woman nodded and left the room.

"Chloé how come you can do that ?" I asked her,

"I took classes specially for the occasion" she smiled at Maya.

"THEN TAKE THAT MINI HUCKLEBERRY OUT OF ME !!" Maya yelled. Chloé laughed for a second then seriously nodded.

"Who's staying ? Only two people"

"THE FUCKING LOVE OF MY LIFE AND MY BEST FRIEND !" Maya yelled, I took advantage of her hand and help her tightly, smiling as she called me the love of her life.

"Maya I don't think I can watch it..." Riley said

"TOPANGA !" Maya yelled, Topanga came in.

"What's the problem ?" Topanga asked, worried


"No wait Maya, I wasn't there when you were in the worst time of your life, I think I can be there for the best one" Riley said with tears in her eyes.

"Thanks Riley... I love you... CHLOÉ GET THIS THING THE FUCK OUT OF MY VAGINA !" Maya yelled, I laughed so hard at this, so hard that Maya held my hand even tighter. I hold my pain, knowing that she was good through even harder.

All I did was encouraging her and all she did was screaming and cursing at me, I saw this on some shows about it, it's normal.

Riley was crying really hard as she saw her best friend in pain.

"I can see his head !" Shouted Chloé.

"One last push Maya,
One last bit push!" She yelled,

1. 2. 3. PUSH !" Chloé yelled, Maya pushed with all her strength and Chloé took the baby in her hands. She let out a tear and Maya did the same, Chloé went to clean the baby and she came back some time after, Maya was breathing heavily and I was crying as I saw my son and his mom safe.

"Wanna take it ?" Chloé asked to Maya, Maya nodded and Chloé put our son in her arms.

I cried even more seeing my little family in front of me.

"You made it Maya, you made it, I love you so much, and I love you too my son"

Maya smiled at me.

"How can we name it ?" She smiled at me.

"What about... Pablo Martinez ?" I proposed

Maya and Riley burst out laughing,

"Funny one, what about Julian ?" Maya asked,

"Welcome to your family, Julian Friar" I smiled at my son and kissed Maya.

"Can I hold it?" I asked, Maya nodded and I took my son in my arms.

"Hey Julian, you got a really beautiful mom right there, she's the strongest and she's also mine, I am your dad, and I promise to always love you no matter what. And this, is aunt Riley, she's weird but she's sweet and funny, but... What about you guys get to know each other ?" I said as I walked towards Riley, she shyly took Julian and she just smiled at him and walked with him. "Hey Julian, you look a lot like your mom and your dad, I'm aunt Riley by the way, I talked to you months ago" she let a tear falling down her cheek.

Then Chloé came in with a little carnet. "So, what's his name ?" She smiled at the new parents.

"Julian, Julian Friar" Maya smiled.

Chloé smiled back and wrote down on her carnet.

"Well Julian, you were born the 14th July 2016, at 2:48pm here, in New York" Chloé sighted.

Then, everyone came in, everyone cracked up as they saw a very tired Maya and a new born.

"What's his name ?" Cory smiled.

"Julian, Julian Friar" I smiled back.

"Yeah yeah we know he's a cowboy" Maya sassed, everyone laughed.

The whole day we were around Maya and Julian, I was very excited to show the new house to Maya, I planned that the day I'll come to get her back I'll take the puppy and we will have a good home with a good yet perfect little family without forgetting the little puppy.

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