Chapter 22

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Two weeks, two freaking weeks that I'm throwing up.

"Maya..." I heard him knocking on the door.

"Come in" I said, he entered the room and sat on the bed where I was laying.

"I think we need to talk this out"
"Yeah whatever" I answer him as I laid my head back into the pillow.

"No I'm serious Maya, what if.... What if it had worked ? What if you are pregnant of two weeks ?!" He said the last question in excitement. I was excited too inside, maybe he was right...

"Okay babe get out of this bed and get ready because we are going to buy a... PREGNANCY TEST !!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!" He yelled from across the apartment.
He came back "wait, I missed something"
He leaned closer to me and we kissed passionately
"There it is" he smiled. He turned around and put his arms in the air, yelling "WOOOOHOOOOO" while running through the apartment. I laughed and got ready.

He was waiting for me at the front door, once we made sure all the lights were off we went outside, on the streets we were holding hands.

"How exciting!" He said

I put both of my hands in the air and screamed "WOOHOO", I mocked him.

We laughed all the way there. We opened the door.

"Hello miss and mister, can I help you ?"

"Hello, we want a pregnancy test please"

"Okay... Can I ask you a few questions before ?"

Lucas locked eyes with me and he smiled
"O-okay why not !" We both said smiling.

"How old are you guys ?"

"We are both eighteen"

"Wow you guys are young... Are you with her to make sure you are not a father or... ?"

"Okay stop with the question I guess I'm just going to tell you our lives... I am Lucas and she is Maya, we are both absolutely in love with each other and we also live together, two weeks ago we were saying we both wanted a baby and then we made something that would probably help us, ever since those two weeks she keeps throwing up and now, we want to know if she's having a baby of if she has eaten a bad burrito" he said, calmly.

"Wow that's not what most of the teenagers like you does, girls are coming alone to get their pregnancy tests because the boy doesn't want to be with her at this moment, or they come together because the boy want to make sure she takes it" the woman says.

We nodded
"But we are not like that, he keeps yelling 'WOOOOHOOO" ever since I agreed to come here"

"How cute" the woman said then went somewhere, she came back with three boxes.

"You need more than one test to be sure, 3 is perfect... If you read the notice blablablabla bla bla blabla blabla" I wasn't actually listening to her because Lucas puts his hands on my hips, he was behind me, and he rested his head on my shoulder. I moaned in pleasure, I liked it, very much.

"Blabla blablablabla get it ?"

I simply nodded and turned around, I faced Lucas that still had both of his hands on my hips, he smiled and leaned in, I quickly pecked him on the lips and then we headed towards the exit.

He yelled in excitement and he was holding the bags of tests, he was running far away, without me, and then he was coming back with both of his hands in the air, still yelling and WOOHOO'ing, he did it again and he did it all the way to the apartment, he decided to wait for me at the apartment's door, I have the keys.

Once at the door he was there, trying to catch his breath
"Woo it's very sporty to go from the apartment to the store..." He said between big breaths.

"Yeah if you say so" I laughed as I opened the door.

He took me over his shoulder, and he walked all the way to the house's door, he took the keys and opened it, then he walked all the way to the bathroom, he puts me down and he handed me the bag with the pregnancy tests.

He went away and closed the door, what a weirdo.

I took one pregnancy test, I used it... Two bars. I looked at the notice and I saw that when it's two bars it means we are pregnant.
Second one: two bars
Oh my god...
Third one: two bars

Okay okay settle down Maya... You have to tell Lucas.

I opened the door, I walked to the living room and he was sitting on the couch, he turned around and looked at me. My face was blank, you couldn't see any feelings. Then I nicely smiled, looking into Lucas's eyes, Lucas smiled too,
"Really ?" He asked. Making sure he understood the right thing
I nodded, tears coming and some streaming down my cheeks, he walked over me with wet eyes and a big goofy smile onto his face, he ran all the way to me and hugged me tightly, lifting me up and spinning me around, he puts me down and kissed me into an intoxicated yet passionated kiss, we let go and we were both crying of joy on the living room while hugging each other.

About ten minutes after we finally let go,
"We need to invite EVERYONE and tell them" he said, I nodded and buried my head on his chest.

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