Chapter 7

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Josh took me to his dorm, he pushed me all the way in front of his bed.

"So... What are we doing Josh ?"

"What happened to you?"

"What are you talking about ? I had a car accident with Charlie"

"I saw your car when I was in front of your house"


"You are getting punished for that" he took a angry tone and he took a belt, he started hiting me with the belt as I cried

"NO DON'T HIT ME PLEASE !!" I begged while I was crying

"SHUT UP!" He yelled

I cried even more, knowing I couldn't do anything about that.


Lucas's POV

I was on my living room, thinking about how could I let Maya go with another guy... I waited like that for at least 5 minutes and then I decide to go get Maya back,
I went into my car and drove to the university, once there I ran all the way to Josh's door.

I heard noises so I came closer to the door

"JOSH STOP PLEASE !" I heard someone crying...

At this moment all I was thinking about was to break the door with my feet and then ran all the way to Josh that was on top of Maya, hitting her with a belt.

I jumped on him quarterback way and he knocked his back one the wall, I came to him and punched him five or six times on his face.

He was now on the ground and then I turned around to Maya that was crying on the floor.

"Maya I'm here !!"

She didn't answer, she was alive, her eyes wide open, she couldn't move, I placed her on her wheelchair and I ran all the way while pushing the wheelchair to my car, I lifted her to the passenger seat and the wheelchair ok the back seats.

"Maya I'm here for you don't worry"

She still didn't answer.

Once at home I just took her bridal style and since I was too tired to go upstairs I laid her on the couch, I gave her all the pillows she needed plus a big warm cover, I put some bandages on her hurt parts, her arms, her neck, her legs and her feet. I took my medicines wallet I keep in case something happens and I gave her all the medicines she needed to feel better. Like some pills and a pomade, I also quickly cleaned her, I cleaned all the blood that was over her.

I went back to the car and took the wheelchair, I was now calm and I took a normal rhythm, now that Maya was safe I could relax.

I went upstairs and jumped onto my bed, I fell asleep.

The morning after I woke up, I went downstairs and Maya was still sleeping on the couch, I looked at the clock and it was 6am.

I made pancakes and I took a plate for me and I filled a plate for Maya, I placed it on the table in front of the couch with a glass of orange juice. I decided to write a little note since I was going to school and not her today.

Hey Maya good morning ! If you read this and that I'm not here it's because I'm at school, you got a plate full of pancakes and a glass of orange juice, I'll be back around 6pm, you have your wheelchair next to you incase you want to move somewhere, don't worry about the house I will clean it when I'll be back home, take care,
Lucas xoxo

I smile at my little letter, hoping she will smile too. I checked the time it was 6:57 and I needed to get ready for 7:20, I can do it.

I went upstairs and got into fresh clothes. I put my cologne and I took my bag that was ready for the school day.

I locked the house with my keys and went to my car, I drove to school and I saw Farkle and Riley... Kissing ?

I parked my car and ran up to them. They awkwardly pulled away hoping I didn't see anything.

"Don't worry guys I already saw you when I was in my car" I saw Riley blushing and Farkle looked down
"SOOO.... Are you guys a thing or what ?" I asked

"Yes Lucas, Riley, will you be my girlfriend ?" Farkle asked Riley

Riley's smile grew and she jumped on his arms.

"Yea Farkle, I would love to !" And then they kissed, I made a disgusted face and started to walk away

"Lucas. Where's Maya ?"

What can I say, she should've come today....
"Oh well umm... She wanted for stay home, her feet hurts too much"

She nodded understandingly

"Okay, well see ya in maths class!"

She said as I walked away, I saw Zay with some girls around him, what a flirt this guy is ! I laughed at myself.
Then I heard him

"HEEYY what's up buddy ?!" He shouted, towards me, I went up to him

"Hey bro ! I'm fine and you ?"

"Lucas can I talk to you please, in some private place... Girls, sorry I have some things to talk about with my best friend AND also the best player of all the sports team he's in, Lucas Friar"

All the girls were looking at me like I was a basket of French fries.

"Lucas look at these hot girls ! It's time to play with girls bro, they all love you, you just have to jump in their pants" he said

"Shut up Zay ! I'm not a player and you know that I'm not like that, plus, they only love me because I'm a jock and that I'm muscular" I snapped at him

"man I think it's really the time for you to do it, I mean, all these girls want you, just choose the one to have your first time with"

"Man stop with that ! I don't want it plus..."

"You gotta stop thinking about Maya"

"I can't, I love her"

"If you say so...."

We heard a familiar voice

"Hey guys" it's Charlie

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