Chapter 15

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"I said, you whore !" Riley said, right into Maya's eyes

"Says the one who's sucking her boyfriend's face" replied Maya

"What did you just say ?" Mocked Riley

"Oh you totally heard what I said" Maya said as she pushed Riley against the locker, causing her to fall on the floor, I grabbed Maya's arm and dragged her into a peck on the lips, then I stared in her eyes and I could see hurt.

Farkle ran to Riley and helped her to get up, he went over to me and pushed me, for him or was hard, for me it was like he brushed me.

"What are you doing ?!" Farkle shouted

"You what are you doing ?!" I yelled back at him

Then Farkle slapped me right across the face, I clenched my fists and lift my fist up to punch him but Maya grabbed my arm and put it down, she looked at me with a scare look, I quickly relaxed and gave her a smile as I pulled her into a big hug.

She pulled away and caressed my cheek, then slowly kissed me. I saw in the corner of my eyes Riley with her mouth wide open, I smirked and deepened the kiss with Maya.

As the bell rand we both pulled away and awkwardly blushed, I took her hand and headed to class.

The rest of the day was calm, it was Maya and I and nothing else, just the both of us enjoying our moments together, I think that living together would be the best thing ever... And as I say it was only Maya and I Zay came towards us.

"Hey Lucas, hey Maya"

"Hey Zay" we both said

"Maya I just wanted to talk to you about Riley... As much as I know you don't want to hear about her she's crying on the girl's bathrooms... If you tell her what's up it'll be easier for the both of you girls" he said, Maya looked at me and stood up. She walked to the girl's bathroom without me, right before that she told me to tell Farkle and Zay about what happened.

"Zay, Farkle, come here guys I need to tell you something" they came to me, looking at me straight in the eyes
"First of all sorry Farkle I never meant to be that angry after you, if I beat Charlie and Josh up its nor because I have anger problems, I never has any anger issues...
Ever since Maya's with Charlie.... He was beating her" both of their mouthed where wide open
"He was beating her everyday and she was scared of telling anyone because he told her he would do worse if she does... Once day I found out and I saw her almost naked body, she was all bruised and she had scars, ten Charlie came and I hid on the bathroom, I saw the whole scene of Maya getting beaten up... So I jumped on Charlie and beat him up, once he was unconscious I came up to Maya and she fell unconscious too... Then came the whole hospitsl thing... After the hospital Josh invited Maya to a date and once she was with Josh I felt jealous so I headed to Josh's dorm and I heard Maya crying... Begging him to stop, I broke the door with my feet and I pushed Josh quarterback way and I beat him up, all I knew is that he was in a bad shape, I haven't heard about him the whole time ever... After that I took Maya to my house and she was traumatized, she wasn't moving, talking, she wasn't reacting and talking to her was like talking to someone who's dead.. That's why she wasn't talking, she has never been sick.
But way before you know Zay, you were here, I strangled Charlie as I saw him, what he had done to Maya was horrible and since Maya wasn't there I couldn't stop" Farkle and Zay were speechless

"C'mon guys ! Say something please !"

"Wow man.... That's... That's horrible..." Zay said

"You know what else is horrible ? What Riley did to Maya" said Farkle,

We then ran all the way to the door of the girl's bathroom.

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