Chapter 17

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School is over for today and I'm walking towards my boyfriend's car and we're going to his house to get all his stuff, we're moving together.

As he was now driving he puts his hand on my thigh,
"I'm so excited for us to live together" he said as he entry squeezed it.

I smiled at him
"Me too huckleberry, you know... It's like a new beginning for me and I'm glad it's with you"

He smiled at me and then the whole ride we would joke around and talk about random.

He parked his car right in front of the door and he got out then opened the door from outside and took my hand to help me getting out of the car
"Gentleman much Sundance" I smirked, he smirked back
"Anything for you my lady" he said as he kissed my hand.
I giggled and blushed.

"Okay so Maya I'm going to take your bags of clothes and and mine first, and then I'll pack all the little things we might need, umm... I'm also going to take some money and we will go to the grocery store buy what we need because we totally don't have anything to eat there" he said

"And what am I gonna do ?"

"Watching my sexy body lifting super heavy stuff with all my muscles you will see through my clothes... And if it's warm and hot enough outside I'll take my shirt off" he winked at me. What a dork, what a sexy hottie dork...

"I'm fine with that, let's go" I said sharing a nice smile.

As the time passed by I was seeing Lucas's body getting hotter and hotter...
He's so damn strong and beautiful it's so unreal...

"Maya... Maya. MAYA !" I see a agains shaking in front of my eyes as I was daydreaming, slowly getting out of my thoughts

"Wassup hottie ?" I say in a sexy tone

"Wanna play like that with me? I can be sexy too"

"I think you are already" I say as I softly touch his abs

"Seriously ?" He said in a sexy tone

"No!" I pushed him causing him to fall on the couch, as he was falling he grabs my and so I fell with him on top of him.

"Looks like I do finally" he said with a big smirk

"Oh shut up !" I say playfully as I pushed myself out of him.

As the day went on we both finally headed to OUR new apartment and Lucas has already unpacked the stuffs from the bags

"Oh crap I totally forgot to go to the grocery store... Okay Maya I'm going right now and I'm in a big hurry !" He said as he walks up to me and kissed me

"I love you" he said

"Love you too" I said as he walks away.

Something like ten minutes after he came with two bags full of groceries, food, stuff for the shower..

He cleared up everything, put everything at his place and then come to the couch me with me and put his head on my lap.

He was facing me but with closed eyes. Then he turned aside so his face was on my stomach, he cuddled on my stomach as I giggled

"That tickles Lucas stop!" I say between laughs

"I know"
He said as he continues

"Now cook for me male !" I ordered, he then stood up and stares into my eyes, then in a matter of seconds we both burst out laughing

He went on the kitchen still laughing, I could hear him say
"Ahahah 'now cook for me male' you're so funny I almost died !"

"Crap you ALMOST died..." I shouted, still laughing

I saw his body from the kitchen, he put his hand on his heart and faked a hurt face, I laughed so hard at this.

Some moment after he came back with two plates

"Miss hart ?"

"Yes it's me young and handsome waiter"

"Oh please just take your plate, I'm too old for you" he faked an annoying tone

I giggled as he sat next to me

"Who said I wanted you next to me ?" I said

"The young and handsome waiter over there" he said pointing to him

"Get out of my view I same ass the young and handsome waiter you're talking about"

"I was talking about me !" He said

"Oh well, you don't look that bad Hopalong"

After that he smirked and we began to eat, he turned on the tv and watched the Ellen show, when Ellen was playing 'epic or fail' we would have to guess before they show you the end of the video and it was so funny.

After that I told him I wanted to go to the shower so I walked all the way there as he puts a chair in the shower because it's better when you came stay in one feet.

I took my shower and got into my pj's, he went to the shower after me and did the same, then we both brushed our teeth together and after that we shared a long passionate kiss.

"Let's sleep together tonight" he softly said as he grabbed me by the waist from behind and walked, causing me to walk too. He leads be to the bedroom and he jumped on it, I let myself fall on top of Lucas and then he stroke my hair.

"Okay babe this is a new bed so we're going to sleep on whatever side we want, by the end of the week we'll chose which side is ours"

"What if we want the same ?"

"Priority to me because I'm shorter, smarter and also hurt so I chose" I say

"Okay if you want... If I'm by your side I don't care which side of the bed I am.

"Good because I'll have the choice, not you"

I rolled all the way to the other side of the bed, he rolled to join me and wrapped his strong arms around my waist

"Goodnight huckleberry, love you" I say as I pull up the cover on us

"I love you too my blonde beauty"

And they my eyes shut, I fell asleep as I felt the warm breath of Lucas against my neck.

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