Start from the beginning

"That same night we went to the school HJ was no where to be found. Where were you?" Patience asked him.

"Uh I believe I was at magic school grading papers.."

"Interesting. Every time the masked strangers attacked at the school the cameras were always disabled. They have voice modifiers to disguise their voice. Who has the power to manipulate technology at will? HJ." Patience explained.

"Yup it's official. He's the masked stranger." Potts said.

"Wait!" Melinda said. "I've been doing an investigation of my own. I have proof that Wyatt is indeed the masked stranger." She added causing everyone to gasp.

Wyatt chuckled. "Mel what are you talking about?" He folded his arms.

"Before the killing began to occur Alex told Wyatt that he was evil in an alternate future. Wyatt was mad because our parents didn't tell him about it. My guess is he started killing out of revenge. After Chase's mother was murdered and you all went to investigate the next murder I stayed back. Wyatt tried to sneak in but I caught him. He was bleeding. He obviously got hurt when he was killing the next victim."

"Okay I am no longer convinced that the masked stranger is the techno nerd. I believe it's Wyatt." Potts said.

"Okay yeah I was mad but I got over it. I didn't kill anyone.. and I told you. I got hurt at P3." Wyatt told everyone.

I think we're all ignoring the obvious fact here." PJ said.

"And what might that be?" Wyatt asked.

"Think about it. We're the most powerful witches in the world our magic is strong. When we captured Nicholas in a crystal cage he had the power to escape because Cross bloods are scientifically more powerful. Potts who claims to be a wood nymph was able to escape. She has to be a Cross blood." She explained.

We all gasped.

Potts smiled. "Okay you caught me. I'm a Cross blood."

"That's where I know you from. The Evo lab." Oliver said.

"My guess is Potts is the masked stranger. She's killing everyone because every time a Cross blood kills a supernatural creature they gain a new power."

"There's only one problem with your theory Melinda." She began to say causing PJ to roll her eyes "I can't be the killer. One of the masked strangers attacked me." She simply said.

"Oh yeah? So you wouldn't mind proving it right? I could project your past." PJ held her hands out.

Potts shrugged her shoulders as she stood up. "Fine by me." She placed her hands in PJ's.

PJ waved her hand towards the wall showing Potts fighting with the masked stranger.

PJ waved her arm making the memory disappear. "Oh.." She said as Potts sat back down on the couch.

"So why lie to us? Why not just tell us your a Nymph Cross blood?" Tamora pushed her eyebrows together.

"Because I felt the others coming and I knew the first person you would come to when stuff happened was me. Besides, I wasn't born a Cross blood. My brother captured me and experimented on me."

"Wait brother? Who's your brother?" Violet asked. 

"You see my original last name was Grant." She said.

"Dr. Grant is your brother?" I asked.

She nodded her head causing silence. "Seriously? No gasp?" She asked.

"No that's actually believable. Your both mean as dirt." Kat said.  

Potts shrugged her shoulders.                                                                                        "Wait I think I should say something.. Patience the night of Chris's basketball game I saw something." Parker said causing Patience to push her eyebrows together.

"What was it?" She asked. 

Parker sighed. "A transfer paper to Pathways. With the initials M. L on it.." 

Patience smiled. "So what does that have to do with-" She stopped in the middle of her tracks as her smile quickly faded. "You think my boyfriend is the masked stranger?" 

"I also think so too.." PJ said causing Patience to ball her fist up. 

"The lacrosse player. I should of known." HJ slapped himself in the head.

"Can you all stop? He didn't do it! Mick isn't the masked stranger!" She angrily shouted. 

"Oh yeah? Did Mick give you anything recently? Any foods? Jewelry?" HJ asked.

"All he did was give me a box of chocolate." Patience explained.

Suddenly Avalon's icy blue eyes began to glow.  ========================================================================================    


I looked over at Chris and the weirdest thing happened. His body color began to turn red. The word poisoned appeared under him. I pushed my eyebrows together as I looked over at Patience. The same thing was with her but her body wasn't as red as Chris.

"It has to be him Patience cause not only Chris is poisoned. Your poisoned too."

Patience's eyes widened.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now