Chapter 13

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Dominic was quite until we got to Walmart and he turned off the radio.

"So do you want to talk about it?"

"About what" I tried to play innocent.

"If you dont want to talk about it, it's okay I was just wondering."

"It's nothing. Just some troubles with Ivan. Hopefully it will be good by tomorrow." I said as I got out of the car and he followed.

When we walked inside Walmart we didn't know why we went. I started walking towards the chips section and and got three bags. I gave them to Dominic and walked towards the toys section. Dominic didn't whine about it so I just kept talking.

"I don't mean to be rude but who is gonna pay for this?" Dominic said with a confused face. I touched my pockets and felt a rectangle.

"Ivan don't worry." I responded as I turned around and smirked.

I started looking at all the lego's boxes until I saw a very very expensive one. It was prized at 1,000 and Dominic just looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Are you always this childish?"

"Just when I'm trying to distract myself." I answered simply.

"Come on I'll help you forget it."

"Should I be scared about this?"

"Of course not." he replied with a devilish smile.

When we got to the cash register Dominic recognized the cashier. Apparently he was from school. Our high school. His name Rafael and maybe it was wrong about me so let me tell you he was C. U. T. E. Brown eyes, short hair, about 5'8, and a weird but oddly cute birthmark in his eyebrow. It kind of attracted me to him. I know it is wrong because of what Dominic feels, but there was something in him.

"Excuse me that is gonna be 1,007.50$." Hector said as Dominic nudge me so I could stop thinking about his perfect acquaintance.

"Oh yes of course." I said as I reached to the get the emergency credit card that Ivan had given me when he left.

After I paid and grabbed the stuff Dominic led me to his car and opened the door for me. I was surprised.

Once inside of the car I asked him where we were going.

"Oh darling well if I tell you what is the element of surprise huh?"

"I never really like surprises."

"Oh come on it will be fun. I promise"

"Fine fine don't tell me where we are going." I finally gave in.

"Yay okay let's do this." Dominic said with the goofiest smile in his face.

It must have been around 1 in the morning when we were outside the city limits. Up in a mountain looking at the beautiful city. It was dark and you could see the stars.

"I wanted to bring you here so you can notice how small your problem is."

"I don't get it."

"Well think about it. Every person down there in the city is facing a problem that they think is the end of the world, but look at how big the sky is, this mountains, do you really think that their problem is bigger than this?"

"No probably not."

"Do you think there problem could kill the 7 billion people and more?"

"Most likely not." I said responding to his questions knowing that he was right. My problem wasn't so big. My life would go on. Ivan was stupid and yeah a liar but that didn't have to stop my happiness. "Okay I see your point."

"Thank you, now I can take you back home. Knowing that you aren't so troubled about whatever that was going on."

"Can we stay here longer?"

"Of course let's go to the front of the car we can lay down right there." Dominic answered with a smile in his face. He opened his door and ran to open mine. There we were me and Dominic cuddling in a mountain. It was a beautiful night that I was spending with a very handsome boy. As I looked up to see his features I noticed he was already looking at me. I burried my face in his neck as I smeeled his cologne. Its was manly and forest like. Thats when I noticed what he was wearing. A button up shirt from Abercombie and Fitch shirt. OMG he was one his way somewhere. Maybe a party and he ditched it to come pick me up.

"Dominic were you going somewhere when I texted you?"

"Eh not a big deal just a 'We are finally seniors' party. It don't really matter" he answered with a shrug.

"I'm so sorry. You should have gone. I didn't know you were busy."

"Don't worry this is much better." Dominic replied as he cupped my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I was so sure he was gonna kiss me. We both started leaning in. Our faces where so close I could smell his minty breath.

Then out of no where his phone rings. He pulled back and answered his phone.

"MATHEW!? MATHEW SLOW DOWN! Okay so there is a guy that looks out of his mind looking for who? Ohhh her."

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