Chapter 3

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During the tour of the school Bella kept trying to get attention from Dominic; he kept staring at me like if I was the only in the group. I felt so small under his eyes as if I was just a small ant that could be squished to death. I could sense that feeling of trouble he brought with him. I personally had never been one of those who liked the bad boys. Dominic was different though; I wanted to be near him; I could already feel how he would mess me up but in a way he already had. 

I was so deep in thought I didn't notice someone was calling me. "Veronica, Veronica babe Dominic is calling you." Emma said. 

"Oh um what?" I said looking at Dominic. He looked annoyed as if his plan hadn't worked out or something "Nothing forget it yeah." Dominic replied. I could feel how we was angry with me but I had no idea why. Everyone just got quiet and the tour continued. We could all feel the awkward tension. 

When we got to the library Mathew was talking to us about how the librarian was very important and stuff like that. I decided to confront Dominic and ask why he had gotten mad. He had no right he barely even knew me so why so angry? I slowly made my way to where he was and I saw him physically tense. 

"Hey um why did you get upset at me?" I asked as I looked up to see him. His jaw was tensed and I could tell he was trying his hardest not to look at me. 

"Just forget about okay." He said shortly. 

"But I don't wanna" I said. I knew I was being pushy but I wanted to know. I had no idea I could be so brave to talk to him like that.

"Okay follow me." Dominic said and walked out the library and I was hot on his step. I had no idea what was happening. I didn't know if it was safe, or why I had actually listened. I would normally wonder if we would get in trouble but I didn't care this time. 

Before I noticed we were inside an empty classroom. He locked the door and told me to have a seat. I did as I was told. We both stayed quiet; I couldn't handle anymore and I opened my mouth. "Um so? Are you gonna tell me? Or am I just wasting my time?" I said as I walked towards him. When I was in front of him  he sat on the table of the desk; grabbed me from my waist and pulled me closer to him to where I was between his legs. He connected our foreheads as he whispered "It's stupid really" 

I chuckled a little as I relaxed. "Well then why make it seem like a big deal huh?" I replied.

"So we could have some alone time." 

"And why would you want that"

"So I can tell you how beautiful" 

"Oh come on you probably tell every girl that...  who are you bringing here next Bella?" I said trying to hide my blush. I don't think he took that a joke since his face when from playful to serious. 

"Who? oh that stupid little eighth grader that keeps trying to get my attention?" he said. " No okay no I had never said something like that to a girl. I only tell someone that when I mean it. I ain't no fuck-boy okay. " Dominic continued as if I had just offended him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way" I said shyly 

"Just don't do it again. I don't play around with girls."he replied. I nodded my head and with all the courage I had I lifted my head to see him in the eyes. I saw something that weren't there earlier. It was like a little spark he leaned closer and closer and when he was close enough to feel his hot breath the door swung open revealing a very very happy Bella. 

"What the fuck I thought I locked it." Dominic said as he groaned. 

"Apparently not" I said stating the obvious. 

"Oh did I interrupt something?" Bella said with an innocent smile.

"No not at all." I said as I walked out of the room and back inside the library with the whole group. Emma gave me a "you'll explain later" and I shrugged back signaling nothing had happened. Well that is what I tried to tell myself. 

A few minutes later Dominic passed by me and said, "Can't wait for you to come here next year. We'll have so much fun." 

I tried to ignore it but my mind kept thinking in his words. Did that mean he was a junior? Having so much fun? What did he mean? Would I have really giving him my first kiss? to a guy that I didn't even know? So many unanswered questions. I couldn't wait until Next school year. I just hoped that me and Dominic kept talking. 

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