Chapter 4

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Later that day after school me, Emma, Brenda, and Ashley hanged out at our same spot. It was a diner named "Leslie's Diner". It was an old days like in the 80's; it was honestly the cutest. They wanted all the dirty deed of my "moment" with Dominic. While I told them everything even the last part he told me they were finishing the buffalo wings. I was stuck eating the lemon-pepper.  

"Guys really again." I said as I ate them. They just giggle a little; they knew that I loved the buffalo wings and that is why they ate them first. Oh my dear friends they were just the best! Please note the sarcasm. 

"Now it's your turn little Mrs. Innocent Emma ." I say as the girls turn to her. "What happen with Mathew huh?" I continue as i nudge her and wink at her. Ashley seemed bored with the situation and Brenda well let's just say she didn't appreciate that we were finally talking about guys and she had no one to talk about this time. 

Emma blushed immediately and I instantly knew they had a moment. "OMG you totally did look at that blush." I said 

"So while Veronica was busy with Dominic, Mathew got closer to me. We chatted for a bit and I ended up knowing that Dominic and him were brothers; he said something about birth twins, I asked what it was and he said it was something like they were born the same day but they aren't identical." Emma said blushing. Emma was seriously the most adorable one. I kind of liked the idea of the whole "best friends" going out with a pair of brothers. I shook my head letting those thoughts get away. I couldn't let those thoughts cloud my mind it's way to early plus that won't even happen.

"Aw that's adorable." Brenda said with sarcasm dripping of like a venom and I could already see this going sour. "I was stupid to think there would be a hand grabbing or a hot kiss or something." 

"Oh shut it okay it is adorable." I said as I hold Emma's hand for support.

"Well he did kiss my check when we were gonna make our way to the bus. He said something like Dominic. Something about being glad he was a Junior that way we could have something next year. I doubt so though; he didn't even ask for my number." Emma says as she noticed how they had no communication and it was all probably just for nothing.

After that we just tried to forget about it. We all knew she was right. We both came back to reality as she mentioned that. We all said our good-byes and I walked home as I listened to some good music by Ed Sheeran. While I was listening to "A team" my song changed to "Marvin Gaye" by Charlie Puth. I thought it would be Emma so I didn't even check the caller I.D. 

*Hey babe...still thinking of that hottie huh?" I said as I instantly answered the phone. The voice sounded way deeper than Emma's that was for sure. 

"MM already calling me your babe huh? And what hottie?" OMG it was D-O-M-I-N-I-C, how the fuck did he get my number. I stayed about 3 minutes in silent and I think that he thought I had hanged up. "So um.. you know who it is right?" he asked again as if I had answered instantly if I recognized him. 

I couldn't help it I cracked up and I heard him exhale as if he was nervous about the situation. "Oh gosh Dominic how did you get my number?" I was seriously hyperventilating by now; I couldn't breathe at all. I don't even know why I was laughing so hard. 

"A-are you okay Veronica? Why are you laughing? Yes its Dominic by the way. Can you please stop laughing? SERIOUSLY STOP!" he was talking really loud now like yelling at me. That made me stop laughing immediately. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude about it. It's just you don't see how hard it was for me to do this call." 

"Oh how hard could it have been? I mean you are the captain of the football team. How could you have trouble having to a small little young 8th grader huh?" I asked. I had no idea were this whole bravery talking to him all cool was coming from but I liked it. 

"Oh you see you are not little or small. Yeah maybe a little young but I mean I don't mind that." Dominic seemed more relaxed now and I liked that. I couldn't stop smiling.

I talked with him all the way home.  We talked about everything and nothing at the same time. We ended up playing 20 questions. I ended up knowing a lot of him and it was surprising really awesome. I like the fact that he didn't feel I was a stupid little 8th grader. 

"I hate to say this but I have to go I am home." I said as I heard him groan.

"Oh come on so what?" he answered

"So I have chores to do, and homework, and handle my little brother, and stuff like that" I answered.

"Oh my gosh Veronica. This whole little girl thing you have going on is gonna be a pain in the ass you know?" he said and unfortunately he was right.  I got down really fast and sighed. Dominic was so full of the truth; me being small and needing permission to do everything and anything and with chores and homework. He was a junior and it was ending he didn't have anymore of homework and of what I found out he could have graduated this year so he is smart enough to not have homework. "Hey, hey baby-girl what's going on, why so quite?" he said.

"Nothing it's just stupid stuff. I have to go okay, and work on your nicknames. That sounds so cliche" I tried to laugh it off so he wouldn't hear how much his words got to me. He would think it was stupid how much meaning they had to me. 

"Okay bye" he said and then the line went dead. Well good he didn't notice that I wasn't the same. When I got home I saw something strange; no one was home. Not even my little brother was and I thought it was weird. Then I realized that that it was always like that on Friday until Saturday. They go camping or something like that because they connect with nature or whatever I on the other hand was too busy for that stupid shit.

I then suddenly heard a knock on the door and I was so surprised who it was. He seriously had to stop being a creep. 

"You didn't think I believe that little laughing it off shit did you?" He said.

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