Chapter 12

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It was him. It was really him. The love of my life. My happily ever after. My other half. The peanut to my butter, the star to my fish. It was Ivan! My best friend. Oh how I missed him. He was deployed to Kuwait a couple of months ago and now he is here in front of me. But how?
We stayed hugging each other for a very long time and then I asked him.

"Why did you come home so early"

"I'm not gonna be here a lot just 5 days... We had small vacations and I decided to come home instead of going to England."

"Aw you did that for me?"

"Of course babygirl."

That brought tears to my eyes. You know how sometimes you fall in love with someone but it is just impossible to date them at the moment; that is my situation with Ivan. We are in different moments in our life so we weren't dating but we pretty much pretended we did. Even though we could fool around with other people; I never fooled around with anyone but I knew that he did. He always told me about it. I never really told him that it bothers me. I like how comfortable he is telling me about the girls he flirts with.
I had forgotten that my mother was their with us until she spoke up.

"You are welcome to stay if you want. That is no problem with me."

"Thanks. I was hoping you would say that." Ivan replied.

I grabbed some cereal and Ivan by the hand and ran to my room. I was acting childish but I didn't care right now was the happiest moment of my life.

Once in my room I closed the door and got comfortable in my bed while Ivan turned on my laptop and put Netflix on. He then brought the laptop to my bed and started looking for a movie to watch. I grabbed my phone and started playing with the filters in snapchat. I kept bothering Ivan and probably being annoying to my friends with my long ass story. I then noticed that Dominic and Mathew had added me so I added them back and continued being annoying.

Once we both decided to put Grease on Ivan grabbed my phone and finally took a decent dog slefie. You could see his and my best features while showing exactly our relationship. I was laughing uncontrollably and he just had a "wtf" face. I loved it. It had my perfect smile and his gorgeous light green eyes. The caption read "True love 💕". We put it in my story and started messing with his snapchat.

It must not have been more than 5 minutes when I got 2 Chats from Mathew and Dominic. Mathew's read "Dominic is gonna be pissed you should explain this to him" I left it open and went to see Dominic's "Thought you didn't have anyone .-. " read his. I left both on open and continued talking with Ivan about how I joined color-guard.

He was telling me about the food in Kuwait when someone called him. It was an unknown number so he answered and put it in speaker.

"Hey sexy" the voice sounded so high pitched I was sure it was a girl's.

"Who is this"

"You don't remember?"

"No so please tell me your name"

"I'm the one you spend your last hours in the country with"

Either this girls was lying or Ivan had lied to me. He said he didn't say goodbye in person because he didn't have time. I saw his face go red and in that instant I hated how much I knew him because he only got red when he was caught in a lie. He lied to me. Ivan. Had. Lied. I was devastated. I didnt care about the girl. I cared about his dishonesty.

"Oh I remember know."

"So want to meet up to give you a welcome back?"

"Um right now.." was the last thing I heard from him as I stepped out of my room. Walked out of the house and to the roof from my room in the back of my yard.

I decided to answer Dominic's chat. "He is just my friend okay? Nothing else. He has his hoes and well I'm not a lovey dovey person" I lied. "Wanna hang out I'm bored. Come pick me up so we can go to Walmart or something." I clicked send as I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Veronica? Are you okay?" Ivan said as he climbed up to be with me. I cleaned my tears sucked in air and responded. "I'm fine go get your welcome back from that slut."

Then I got a reply from Dominic. "Okay sure thing (: be there in 5" I smiled at my screen got down from the roof and fixed my hair and sweatpants and crop top. I looked decent enough to go out.

Ivan looked confused when he asked "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Walmart"

"With who?"

"Some guy I met at the high school" i replied as I shrugged my shoulders as if it was normal.

"But I barely got back."

"Yeah well I'll call you to say welcome back just like you called me to say goodbye while you were with someone else."

At that moment I saw Dominic's car outside and ran to it as I reminded myself to thank him for the perfect timing.

Before I got in I looked at Ivan and saw saddness and guilt in his eyes. "Cover for me okay" I said as I winked and got inside so Dominic could drive away.

I knew I would regret this in the morning but I felt betrayed and I had to get away.

Time of My Lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن