Chapter 5

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Oh my gosh. He was at my door and I have no idea why I wasn't scared as fuck. I mean he was just there standing outside my door like if it was normal. I think he realized that I was shocked because he started rubbing his neck and looked down at my mat.

"I never thought my mat would be prettier than me." I said as I chuckled a little. 

"Um no it's not that I promise, you're beautiful" Dominic replied "I just noticed how creepy this whole thing looks like. I swear it's not creepy it's just I was worried about you and so I asked Emma for your address and well yeah she gave it to me and now I am here. I know that it might sound weird because we barely met, but you, you are special. It's like if I just have this connection with." he kept rambling on and on. 

"Dominic do you want to come in?" I asked. I don't know why I was so comfortable with him but I liked it, and a lot. 

"Yes, and that way you can tell me what is wrong, and don't you dare say nothing cause I know that there is something and you young lady are gonna tell me everything." Dominic responded as I notice he looked at me in my eyes and I instantly knew that I was hooked. There was something about him that attracted me to him and I wasn't going to put my feelings in denial.

After a few minutes of him getting comfortable in my couch and giving him something to drink he asked a question I hoped he had forgotten. 

"So... What was wrong earlier when you went all quiet?" 

"Um nothing I was just thinking"


"About how you were right." 

"Oh about the little girl act being a pain in the ass?" 

"Yes about that." I said as I lowered my head as I played with my hands.

"Look at me." he said demanding but I didn't listen. he then grabbed my chin and brought it up until I was looking at him in the eyes. " I was kidding okay. I know that this might sound weird but I can feel that you are different. There is something about you that just attracts me to you. You are so mature for your age and all I can think is why? Why the hell are you more mature than all those girls in school?" he said. If only you knew Dominic. you wouldn't see me the same way.

"There is a reason and I can't say. I barely know you." I replied as I looked into his soul reading eyes.

"I understand and don't worry you'll get to know me very well." Dominic said as he winked at me. He suddenly stood up and I was surprised. "I should go now before your mom comes home and sees you home alone with an older guy. That could look wrong in so many ways." Dominic said as he went to the door and walked away.

I have no idea were the next words came from but I said it. "Well actually I spend my Friday nights alone my family won't be back until tomorrow afternoon maybe even midnight. Do you um mind spending the night or something?" I asked as I looked at the mat that said "Welcome".

"Of course. I would love to. Let me just tell Mathew I won't be attending dinner." Dominic replied with a huge smile in his face. 

I don't know why I did that. I don't trust any men after "him" and now I was inviting a random guy inside my house to spend the night. What the fuck have I done. I was stressing out already when I thought of the worst. What would happen if I had my nightmare tonight? He would think of me as a crazy person and I would have to explain everything. Oh gosh I just got myself in a horrible situation.

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