Chapter 10

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Talent Show 2

Several presentations had gone and it was pretty cool. They were people I never knew could do awesome things. When suddenly they called Edgar to the stage and I was surprised. He got up with a smile in his face and went up there. He got a guitar from the corner and a stool from the back of the stage. He adjusted the microphone and began to play a melody I would recognize anywhere. He was playing my favorite song. It was Photograph. I was so surprised I had no idea he knew how to play guitar. When he started singing it was even more surprising to me. He sang beautiful. I looked at him and he was already looking at me with a pair of beautiful eyes I had never noticed. They were a mixture of green and brown. 

"Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul

And it's the only thing that I know, know
I swear it will get easier,
Remember that with every piece of you
Hm, and it's the only thing we take with us when we die" Edgar kept singing. 

He walked off the stage and started walking towards me. I was singing along and then he put the microphone so I could sing. 

"  And if you hurt me

Well, that's OK, baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go" I sang as I turned red.

He finished it off beautiful. 

 "  When I'm away

I will remember how you kissed me
Under the lamppost
Back on 6th street
Hearing you whisper through the phone,
"Wait for me to come home."  

And then he did the unexpected and kissed me right in my mouth. I was shocked but then I kissed him back. All my memories with him came back to me. How he was there when Ivan left. He was the person I would call at 2 in the morning when I was having panic attacks or I was having a nightmare. I knew he would always be there for me. I felt horrible since I hadn't talked to him because I was talking to Dominic. How could I have forgotten everything he did for me. Wow my first kiss was with Edgar. who would have thought huh? I so did not see that coming but I don't regret it. not one bit. He was a good kisser. Well at least I thought so, I didn't really had something to compare it with. 

When we pulled apart everyone clapped but something caught my attention. It was Dominic, he stormed out of the gym. I quickly got up to follow him and see what was wrong. I found him near the science wing. He looked pissed; I approached him very very slowly. I didn't want him to punch me because he confused me with someone. 

"Are you okay." was the only ting I could bring myself to say.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" He answered but he didn't look at me.

"Um no not really." 

"Just answer this. Is he your boyfriend? Are you taken?"

"No I'm not. I am single. I don't know where that came from. It was as much of a surprise to me as it was to you."

"It looked like he was, or do you just kiss everyone of your friends?"

"No I don't I guess it was just the mood and I have gone through so many things that he help me pass you know?"

"Yes I know. Do you like him?" 

"Um no, yes, I don't know, , maybe."

"Okay look let me tell you something. I am willing to fight for you unless you want me to leave you alone. If you tell me to leave you alone I will. I will delete your number and I will move past you." 

"I don't want that. I  feel something for you too."

"God damn you are one complicated girl." He said but broke into a smile. I smiled as well and hugged him. We stayed like that for a couple of moments in a comfortable silence and then the bell rang and just like that I had to walk home. I let go and started walking away when he talked again. "Do you need a ride?" I turned around and saw his 1,000$ smirk.

"Sure." I smiled as he grabbed my backpack and walked to his car. I followed and we stop in front of a beautiful car. It was a Honda Civic sport 2015 SI. It was the car of my dreams. "Wow your ride is dope dude." 

Dominic looked at me like if I had two heads. "Don't ever talk like that again you sounded like a dude; I'm glad you like the car though." He smiled and opened the door for me. I laughed and stepped inside the car. 

"So um I don't need to tell you where I live right. I'm sure you know where. "

He chuckled and I smiled. "Yes I know Emmy." was all he said and drove straight to my house.

When we arrived me house he slowed down and went inside my driveway. I got out and walked to my door. I turned to see if he was gone but no he was looking at me waiting for me to walk into my house. I waved goodbye and he did the same as I opened the door and walked in. Seconds later I heard his car drive away and that little action made my heart warm. He cared about me.

"Hi honey how are you?" my mom asked as I went into the kitchen. 

"I'm good mom and you?"

"I can't say I'm bad." With that I got some lasagna and went to my room.

I was watching "Pretty Little Liars"  when I started thinking about what he had said in the hallway. He likes me. He will fight for me. Was he jealous? Obviously. Why else would he storm out like that. I kind of wander what my first kiss would have been with him. I mean Edgar did a pretty good job he was romantic and sweet, but I know Dominic would have done it with a little more passion plus he probably would have done it somewhere private where it could get more steamy. I decided I had to tell someone about this whole love triangle that was starting so I called Emma and told her all about it. 

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