Chapter 1

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Two weeks before the end of eighth grade and I woke up excited to go to school. Today was the day we as eighth graders would go to the orientation of Mountain High School. I woke up with a smile in my face thinking of all the awesome adventures me and Emma - my best friend since 5th grade - would experience. I took a shower and got my uniform ready. I wanted to look so pretty today. I blow-dried my hair and did a messy bun. I was ready to go with 30 minutes to spare so I made myself some breakfast. I went to wake up my little brother and made some breakfast for him as well. I didn't want to wake up my mom since she got home from work at 4 a.m. today and I knew she was exhausted. My big brother had spend the night with his girlfriend so I would have to ask Emma to give me a ride. Obviously not her alone she is too young to drive I meant more like her mother. I knew they wouldn't mind her mom loved me just as much as Emma.

*hey dude mind giving me a lift...I don't wanna wake up my mom...she got home at 4*

She replied instantly.

*no problem dude you know my mom loves you. be there in 10*

I loved Emma so much. I can just imagine ourselves being best friends forever. I had never met someone like her. We were complete opposites though. I was blonde with colored eyes; very nerdy but crazy. In the other hand we had Emma a beautiful brunette with big brown eyes; she hates school but is surprisingly shy and calm.

As she promised Emma was here for me in ten minutes. As I kissed my mom goodbye I heard Emma pulling up my drive-way. I kissed my little brother; grabbed my cup of water, my bag, my phone and I was out the door.

"Good morning boo" said Emma as I opened the door of her mom's Cadillac.

"Morning babe." I answered as I reached to the front and popped a kiss in her check and her mothers as well.

"Seriously girls sometimes I think you two are lesbians." Her mom said as she head to the street.

"Oh no. We are just girlfriends with different boyfriends." I replied as I laughed and texted the other two girls we hanged out with that we were on our way.

"She is kidding mother." said Emma rolling her eyes as she say her mother's expression. I sometimes feel bad for Emma's mother. She isn't very found of people that are homosexuals. She says something about those people being bad influences so she hates it when I made comments like that. Her mother just chuckled and mumbled something that I couldn't quite catch, but I didn't care it was probably something about God and going to church on Sundays.


Once we got to school Ashley and Brenda were waiting for us in the cafeteria. We couldn't wait to go to the high school. We then started talking about what we would wear for our graduation from junior high. I was planning to wear a 60's inspired dress. Emma was looking for a floral dress. Ashley didn't care. Brenda was obviously wearing a skin tight dress that was hot pink. That was predictable since she loves showing of her body because she is skinny. I wasn't very fond of her but I mean she was alright. I just hate the fact that she pretends to be good girl when we all know she is the most kinky of us all.

"Come on guys we have to head to the buses now." Ashley said as she ran.

"Stop running you look ridiculous" Brenda replied as she got her stuff and start walking at a normal pace.

"That was rude" I say as I fall in step with her "You know Ashley is just the one that shows her excitement even if it makes her look childish."

"Yeah I know but if the guys look at her being like that she'll scare them off." Brenda said as she step inside the bus.

Oh did I forget to say that Brenda was boy crazy too. Well she is the most flirty. If she was a guy she would be one of those fuck-boys. "Of course. Is there a time when you don't think of guys?" I asked as I sat down next to Emma.

"Yes when I'm hungry." She replied. We all start laughing as for her answer is always the same.

The high school was pretty close so it only took about five minutes to get there. When we got of you could feel like if you had more power for some reason. Like if you could take over the world in this place. I could feel more freedom. We were headed to the gym when the bell rang signaling that the period had ended. All kinds of teens came out I was surprised. There were rockers, skateboarders, the girls that were pregnant, jocks, nerds, popular, fancy; you name it. The thing was that they were all mixed. with every minute I was getting more anxious to come here next year.

When all the 8th graders were in the gym I noticed that they had all kinds of clubs for all kinds of people. They had a small presentation made for us so we could know the high school. I had gotten lost in time imagining what I would like to join when something got my attention. In the big screen I saw a couple of girls throwing flags around and dancing. It was a video of the color-guard. I fell in love instantly. I wanted to be one of those girls. When the time came Mr. M let us go down and enlist in the things we wanted to join. I grabbed Emma by the hand and hurried to the table with the girls from color-guard. I signed to join and so did Emma but she did it more for me than for herself. Then we went to what she wanted to join which was JROTC. We both signed up as well. We wanted to have as many classes together as possible.

"I'm so excited for high school!" I told my girls as we walked to the bleachers to take our seats.

"Me too boo" replied Emma.

"Well good luck guys since me and Ashley are going to that other high school." said Brenda as she sat. We could all tell that she was trying to look mature about it since she wanted to impress the boys from the baseball team.

When we were sitting down a couple of guys came to talk to us. It was clear that they were from the football team as they were big, muscular, and had a shirt that said "Mountain football team". Me and Emma blushed instantly due to the fact that they were so hot and didn't look terrifying. Ashley just had a whatever face since she didn't really liked when guys approached us and Brenda well you can imagine. She was twirling her hair trying to be all flirty. Typical.

"Hey girls what are you guys doing here so lonely? This is high school for gods sake!" said one of the boys. We looked at him as if he was crazy. He was yelling at us but he didn't look mad or frustrated or anything more like enthusiastic.

"Chill dude" said the other one."They are only 8th graders. They don't know how we roll here. Hi I'm Mathew" He said looking directly at Emma. Emma was now blushing uncontrollably.

"Oh true. Hi my name is Dominic. Nice to meet you girls." He said but for some reason he was looking straight at me. I didn't know what was going on and why Brenda was glaring at me. I was lost in Dominic's eyes. They were this beautiful kind of blue. Blue like the ocean but there was something dark about them. Something mysterious, something that made me forget there was anyone else with us.

"uh- um- hi-" I stuttered. Oh gosh I was so embarrassed no one had that effect on me.

"A little shy aren't you?" Dominic asked as he kept looking at me directly in my eyes as if he was trying to figure me out.

"Not really. You just have that effect on me." I said shyly as I lowered my gaze to see the floor. Dominic lifted my chin so I see his face and he had a smirk on and the only thing I was thinking was how could he have possibly notice me.

"Good to know." was the only thing he said as he walked away. I was stunned. What did he mean? Would I ever see him again? Did I want to see him again? What was I saying of course I did, but something told me that he was going to mess my plan of staying unnoticed. I think it was far too late, Dominic had noticed me and something told me that he was kind of a big deal.

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