Chapter 7

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When I woke up I felt someone near me. I got creeped out and pushed them off the bed. I heard a groan and then Dominic himself stood up from the floor and had one of those looks that could kill. 

"What the fuck Veronica?" Dominic yelled as he got on top of the bed again and got comfy. That's when I laughed since I remembered everything that happened. Oh my gosh I just pushed Dominic off the bed. No wonder he looked at me like he wanted to kill me. I probably would have done the same exact thing. 

"Sorry. I totally forgot you were next to me. I guess there is such thing as 5 seconds of amnesia huh." I said as I stood up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. I just heard a humming agreeing to what I said, but I doubt he even understood what I said. As I was washing my face I heard that he had gotten out of bed and was heading to the kitchen. I chuckled to myself remembering the events from the morning. I was about to apply a small amount of foundation when he scared the living shit out of me. 

"DON'T!" he yelled from the bathroom. I dropped my foundation and it broke open. Well there goes 20 dollars.

"What the fuck dude. I had just bought that. You know how expensive it was."  told him. annoyance was evident in my voice. Seriously I could kill this dude right now. 

"It's just you look prettier without it. I didn't even know you had freckles, why would you wanna hide them. They make you look cute." he said with those beautiful eyes. I giggled a little and pushed him out the door as I headed out. 

"I wish I could believe that." I murmured. 


After breakfast and just chilling Dominic left. He said he had to work so you know I couldn't stop him I'm not like that plus he is just a flirty friend, he doesn't want anything else so why torture him by staying with me more time. 

5 minutes later I got a text from Emma saying that she wanted to go summer shopping. I don't know why the heck she wanted to do that we did that like a month ago, but I was home alone so I agreed and started getting ready. 

While I was doing my hair I started thinking about what Dominic had said about looking better without foundation and decided to skip my face make-up and just keep it light and simple. I just applied one little dab of mascara and a pink kind of stain lip stick. About ten minutes later I got a text from Emma saying that she was outside waiting for me. I walked outside to see that she had invited Brenda and Ashley too. I couldn't say that I was mad but I sure wasn't happy. Today was one of the depressing days of my life when I just wasn't up to be social and Emma understood that but not the others. 

I was quite the whole ride to the mall and I could see that Emma knew that it wasn't one of my days so she didn't bother asking what was wrong. I just quickly put an antidepressant in my mouth and swallowed it. I saw that Emma's mom say me with pity in her eyes. I just faked a smile and she nodded probably thinking it was a pill for a headache or something. 


When we got to the mall we made our way to Starbucks and bought our usual drinks. I was slightly feeling the pill working as I was getting a little light headed and numb. Yeah my antidepressants were pretty strong but I didn't mind and my doctor said it wasn't bad for me as long as I didn't take more than one a day cause then I would have a problem. 

We were cruising around making our to Forever 21 when I saw something that caught my eyes, it was Dominic holding hands with Bella. I have mo idea why but something inside me died and for some reason I just wanted to pretend I didn't see that. I wanted to be home alone like I had planned. I looked at the girls and they didn't notice how I had stopped. I quickly caught up with them and forced myself to forget about them two and just "have fun." I shouldn't be like this it's no big deal plus it's not like we are dating. We just slept together one night. That is it, he probably does worse things with girls.


When I got home my dad was home. I guess he was back from his trip early. I said hello and went to my room so I could lay down and take a nap. My dad doesn't really care about me or anyone for that reason. He is a very senseless person. He is my stepdad and he has never been the same since his ex-wife died. He was with my mom then but I don't think he truly loved my mom I feel she was just a a bed warmer of some kind. 

*Hey barely got home from work - Dominic *

I left him on seen.

* Hey are you okay? Hope you are feeling better (: text me when you can * 

I left him on seen. 

* Okay if you have time to open them you should be able to reply. What's wrong? * 

I left him on seen.

10 minutes later I couldn't help myself and I replied. 

* Why did you lie to me? I know you didn't go to work. I saw you at the mall with Bella. I get it we are nothing but you didn't have to lie I could take the truth you know. *

I instantly got a reply from him.

* I'm sorry I knew you didn't like her but she snapchatted me that it was an emergency that she had ran away from home. I didn't want you to like get mad at me so I just figured I would tell you I was gonna go to work * 

I left him on seen. Again. Not even 3 minutes had passed when I got another message from him. 

* Look I swear I didn't kiss her, she kissed me okay. I don't like her that way and I would never do that you. I mean give you false hope. *

* You guys kissed? I just saw you two holding hands. Wow those are some news. I am going to sleep okay night *

* Why does it feel like you are saying good-bye? *

* Don't you dare quote Christian Grey. At least he didn't kiss random chicks. He picked special ones. *

* I do too... I pick you *

* Well sorry but I feel somebody has picked you already and I don't want drama so have fun with Bella. * 

Whit that I went to sleep even though it was just 8 o' clock. I just wanted peace but it just seems I can't get that. This is why I don't like talking to guys. I just want to pretend I never met Dominic.

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