Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up with big puffy red eyes and some dry tears in my cheeks. I am such a mess. I had once again relapsed in a my depression. Just when I thought I was getting over it, it comes back to bite me in the ass.

I went to my bathroom and took a shower. I grabbed my Victoria Secret body wash that I loved oh so very much. When I got out I out on the same scent lotion and body spray. I loved how Victoria Secret scent smelled. I put on a huge sweater and went to the kitchen when I saw all of my family sitting in the dinning table ready for church.

"Honey hurry up and eat so you can get ready or we will be late for church." my mom said as she out a plate in the table and sat down herself. My big brother looked at me with suspicious eyes as if he could tell there was something wrong but I just ignored him and mixed my food with the fork. I only took a couple of bites and I already felt disgusted with myself so I excused myself and left my plate in the counter. 

When I was up in my room I was staring at myself in the mirror looking at all my imperfections. Like the fact that my boobs were a little saggy and how my shoulders were big like a guy's shoulders and my muffin top was coming back and I no longer had a flat stomach but a fat one. I was so full of imperfections. No one would love me like this. Not even my face was good. I had one eye bigger than the other one, my smile is crooked and I had freckles all over my cheeks.

This motivated me to exercise so I could at least get back a good flat stomach. I as started running I noticed how out o f shape I was. Man I need to start all over again. I ran 20 minutes and then ran back to my house for the other 20 minutes so I ran 40 minutes in total. 

As I walked in my house I got a text from Dominic. *Can I come over? I am lonely and need to get my stress out.*

*Um no my family is home so yeah...*


I really wasn't lying, when I got home my parents and siblings where their having lunch all together in the table. I didn't answer and so he texted again. 

* Okay okay sorry can you come to my house? Please I need distractions or I might just punch a person* 

*Let me eat then I'll see if I can sneak out. Tell my mom I'm going to Emma's or something*

*Wow the good girl is doing something against the rules for me. I should feel honored*

*Yeah you really should*


With that I left him on seen and went to the table to eat some of my mom's food since I missed it so very much

"How was your trip this week?" I asked as I took my place at the table.

"Awesome we saw a mountain lion and then we almost got attacked by it. It was....." my little brother went on but I lost focus. I started thinking about why Dominic was so stressed and why he had text me to come over. 

Lunch ended and and I told my mom I was going to Emma's. She didn't hesitate to say that it was okay I usually did this on the weekends. If only she knew that I was going to a guy house who is older than me because he is stressed she would have said no with out discussion.


Dominic had sent me his address so I called a taxi and gave him the address. He looked at me suspiciously and asked "Do your parents know that you aren't home little girl?" I burst out laughing and nodded. I knew it was weird of me to laugh but it was fascinating how there are still people that care for people they don't know. 


When I knocked on Dominic's door he came out shirtless and quickly let me in. The house was small and cozy but it was obvious that he lived alone since there was only one room from what I could see and the whole house was pretty but manly, like if I woman had no say and well I figured he probably didn't live with his family. I made a note to ask him later but not right now because he really did look very very tired and stressed. I looked at my phone to check what time it was just to make sure that it wasn't very late and it sure wasn't, it was only 3 o' clock in the afternoon. 

He walked me into his room and it was a mess. There was clothes all over the place and papers. It was hard to walk in here. "What happened?" I asked

"I kind of lost it earlier because my dad didn't put money in my account and then they told me that my sister lost her baby and that her husband was cheating on her and because they want to come visit me make sure I am okay but I really don't want that and I'm worried that if they see what a mess it is they will make me go back with them to Colorado. I can't go back Veronica I really can't." he responded in one breath. 

"Okay okay relax I'll help you clean this mess but you need to relax right now. Come lay down and take a nap."

"I tried it doesn't work. I feel to lonely to sleep." 

I can't believe I'm about to say it but he really needs someone to help him relax plus we wouldn't do anything just cuddle. "Well I could lay down with you if that makes it easier for you to sleep.''

"I would love that thank you." was all he said as he laid down in his bed and open his arms so I could be in between. It was very comfortable and he instantly fell asleep. I thought his grip would loosen but it did the opposite it actually got tighter and I had no way to get away. I tried a little but I was scared to wake him up. I grabbed my phone and put the alarm to ring at 5 o' clock p.m. so I wouldn't be late to dinner at my house. After that I myself fell asleep in Dominic King's arms, the captain of mountain high school football team, also one of the most popular guys.

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