Chapter 11

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As you would imagine Emma was surprised and happy and currently telling me how I was gonna have an awesome high school experience if I dated Dominic cause he was like the most popular. 

"But either way enough about me and Dominic. Tell me about Mathew and you huh? How has that gone?" I asked and I was kind of sad to hear her sighed that was never a good sign.

"To be honest boo I don't know what to think. He was honest with me and told me that he did like me because I was attractive and funny but then he told me that he wasn't gonna lie that he was a fuckboy and that I might be to young to get my heart broken because he knows himself and he is sure that he won't settle down any time soon so he told me and I quote 'you should look for someone better than me because I will just break your heart and make you insecure'" she finished of and I could hear her voice breaking down as she said this. 

"Let me tell you something. At least he was honest and he must of told you this because he cares about you too much to let you get played by him so maybe it is best to keep your distance like just be friends and if he changes his mind about not settling he will know that he has you. Well only if you want to, you don't need to stay close if you don't want to. " I replied.

"You are right friend that is why I love you. Okay well I got to go okay talk to you tomorrow." That was the last thing Emma said then she hanged up. 


After I took a nap and when I woke up it was dark outside. I looked for my phone and I couldn't find it. I shook my bed sheet and then I heard it fall. "There it is" I said as I got up from my bed and got it. When I woke up I saw a missed called from an unknown number, I called back and a young lady answered. 

"Um hello I have a missed call from this number." 

"Oh yes I'm Gabby.  One of the coaches from color-guard we just waned to inform you that there will be practice in the morning at 6:45 on Monday if you're interested."

"Great! Yeah I'll be there. Thank you." 

"No problem see you on Monday. Bye-bye."

And with that Gabby hanged up. 

I was around 6 so I called Emma again. She answered in the second ring and we started talking. I told her about the coach that had called me; she said she would go with me in the morning on Monday. We started talking about how we should go summer shopping tomorrow and that we needed to buy bathing suits. We never really bought bikinis because we weren't really confident about our body. One pieces were our thing. It was around 7 o' clock when she reminded me of the  page essay that was due on Monday and I hadn't even started it. I quickly hanged up and started working on the essay. It was easy for me since it was about regrets and mistakes and emotional things came pretty easy to me. I decided to start with the famous quote by Shakespeare "Let's not burden our remembrance with a heaviness that's gone." 

It must've been around 9 p.m when I got really hungry so I made my way to the kitchen when I heard a really familiar voice talking with my mom. I thought I was hallucinating. there is no way that he could be back. I walked into the kitchen and there he was leaning in the counters as if he had been here this morning for breakfast like before. I yelled his name and went running towards him. He chuckled and caught me. I felt tears streaming down my face as he rubbed his hand up and down on my back. 

"I missed you so much, you goof." I whispered.

"I love you too much to stay away, you dork." He replied. 

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