23 - the fall out boy concert to end all fall out boy concerts

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I included her outfit above because whY NOT?1?1?1!!! it's 12:30 someone appreciate me please
It had been forever since I had seen josh. 5 months to be exact. he had always texted but I didn't answer.
I was getting ready for a concert I was going to and soon got excited. fall out boy was coming with some band.
Jenna had forgiven Tyler and they were in love again and just perfect. relationship goals.
we got in the car and drove, singing the words excitedly. we got there and went to our seats. Tyler was god knows where. the thought of "wherever Tyler goes josh goes" made me sick. I looked at the stage and you know who walked on?
Tyler freaking Joseph
the lights went out and people were screaming.
and then I heard a familiar voice
"Lila vertez! I know you're here! you're in section 5, row 3, and you're sitting in seat 34. I'm sorry. you're the most perfect person ever. like ever. well I don't know what to say, so just know that this ones about you Lila. always has been and you know it."
and oh. ms believer started to play.

yet another short filler I'm sorry.

okay so I started my new story. it's gonna be good. I hope you'll all read it :)! it's a Brendon fic. would you guys read?

PRINCESS - JOSH DUNWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt