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You guys have probably seen this plastered all over right now, and that's a good thing.

I promised myself that next time I post something on this book it'd would be an update, but I really need to get this out.

I'm not from America. So I can only imagine all the hurt that I'm feeling-compared to who live over there and feel the struggle to get BlackLivesMatter through.

If you don't believe in BlackLivesMatter you seriously need to re-evaluate yourself. As a person and as human being.

I'm a female. I'm black. I'm human.

Homosexuals, transgenders, lesbians, bi-sexual. I am neither.

I'm at a age where I realize that I learnt the world to quickly.

All of the imbeciles that are amongst the world. People who still believe in slavery.

How can you hate a being that much?

Things upon common nature that are accepted by racist people are unexplainable.

But what I fear most for your country is that this hold movement will dissapear within three months or a years time.

How can persons be so blinded!?!

I'm but a foreigner looking in.

To see how demented and messed up the society is in America.

A man shot and killed for selling illegal cd's in front of his family shows how much the 'protectors' of society care.

A man strangled and killed by 'protectors' of society, a death swept under the rug because he shouldn't have been overweight?

Did you know that research shows that food cost less in the colored populated places in America (Blacks) whom lives close to fast food places are more cheaper than in the suburbs and wealthier places.

They lower the funds not because they care. That's all I'm going to touch on that. You figure the rest out and do some research.

It's funny how a white male a few months or weeks prior got arrested and imprisoned for 6 months because of statutory rape. As if the six months wasn't just a slap on the wrist; but they're thinking of reducing the sentence because it might be too hard for him to handle.

Nah.. it isn't to hard for him to handle. Imagine how that child feels and how she will feel scarred for the rest of her life.

George Zimmerman. A disgrace to human society- shit even scum.

He's still living his life, smiling in pictures like he's done no wrong.

How is it fair that he gets to live his life when he took another innocent one.

If you type up his name the only thing that I see what justifies his wrong is that when his biography pops up he's known for killing Trayvon Martin.

He has a job, family and god forbid if that morbid asshole has friends.

Stand up. Talk. Open your mouths to opress! Show that MLK didn't die in vain.

Don't just let this person be a hashtag for the numerous accounts before.

I'm tired seeing hastag this hashtag that'll just go away. Please stand up and do something.

YOU are the people YOU decide who you put in charge to rule and govern you. YOU are the society YOU are America. And it's YOUR RIGHTS to do or change something you don't like.

Don't a blinded fool or a bystander because who knows. It can be you or a loved one next.

It isn't fair to have 'white privileges' for white persons and not 'black privileges' for blacks.

There shouldn't be any privileges PERIOD.

We're NOT focusing on ALL LIVES MATTER because only BLACK LIVES are being targeted.

Put up a resistance. Don't let America be dragged back to slavery and opression.

Reach out and stand up. Don't be another hashtag people.

And for all those close minded people. Before you comment "you're not even from America."

Let me let you know now. It doesn't say AMERICAN BlackLivesMatter. But BLACK. We all generate from the motherland of Africa. We're all one in the same.

It's hard enough for us that we have to bury our children before us. It's sad at all the widowed, parentless people out there.

Sad to say if you let Trump win for president. America and maybe even the world is FUCKED!

Don't be stupid and judge a person for there past mistakes. We live and we learn.

Lets make a change. Most if the time change is good.

Barack Obama is the first black president. It wasn't so bad was it?

Lets let a woman have a chance.

'Cause be honest. Trump can give a rats ass about black people. Anyone other race than white to be honest.

He uses tragedy to build himself up. He uses other persons faults to prove his 'rights'. Is that really a man you want to lead you?

Google meaning: #BlackLivesMatter

Black Lives Matter is a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people  by police and vigilantes. It goes beyond the narrow nationalism that can be prevalent within some Black communities,which merely call on Black people to love black, live Black and buy Black, keeping straight cis Black men in the front of the movement while our sisters, queer and trans and disabled folks, Black undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. It centers those that have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. It is a tactic to (re)build the Black liberation movement.

Don't let this be a moment. Join the movement.

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