Chapter 35

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Chapter Thirty-Five: Action

{Mephisto's POV}

Soon, soon would be the great unveiling to centuries of planning.

The battle of brother against brother was drawing to an end. This show was turning out quite lovely, and you can't forget the main star!

I heard word from Gehenna that she had taken over, her parents mysteriously gone. Though I couldn't think of a better turn out.

Gehenna's own sacred fox. What a strange demon we had here. It was all fun and games the entire time. My own personal theatre, orchestrated every step of the way.

Humans can be so foolish.

Though I was surprised by the Okumura brothers. Had Rin not used the Koma sword that night, their fates would have been entirely different.

Suppose Rin wouldn't be an exorcist. Maybe Yukio would turn out to be the doctor he dreamed of becoming.

Orphia wouldn't have been sent back home.

I sometimes wonder what would've happened. Would it have been better that way? Perhaps the boys needed to grow up.

I sat perched in the sky watching the resolution unfold. Teamwork, brother and brother hand in hand tackling the massive gate in the sky.

Hoardes of demons lie in its wake, only to meet the peril of these twins. It could be seen from miles away. The image burned into my eyes for years to come.

It soared like an immortal falcon in the sky, leaving a blue glow over True Cross. And with a single strike, they took down the single massive force.

Gehenna Gate.

The only way to cross between the two worlds. I wonder what it's like on the other side. I've spent so much time in Assiah working for the Vatican, I seem to have forgotten.

Maybe it's the mysterious allure of the humans. Or the beautiful scenery in spring. Perhaps its how easily manipulated people can be.

Whichever the reason is, I seem to have enjoyed Assiah's action far more.

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