Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen: Calm Before the Storm

{Orphia's POV}

I sat in the damp grass scowling at Yukio. He practically treated me like a rabid dog that he can't let out of his sight. I talked to Mephisto and ended up leaving most of my classes. I never wanted to become an exorcist anyway. I just wanted to watch over Rin and Yukio.

Who knows what trouble they'd cause downstairs if I let them run loose in Assiah. Gehenna would laugh.

"Oi you're spacing out again!" Bon yelled at me. We were in gym class yet again. Apparently the giant mutant frogs were too much for us, so now we were simply running laps. Or at least the other students were. I was leaning against a nice cool wall and Yukio was stealthily hidden on the other side stalking Rin again.

"You know, I don't bite. I can't speak for Rin though, but I can watch him and you can go do whatever geeky kid geniuses do in their spare time" I muttered.

"And who do you suppose will watch you?" He asked. That made me think. Well Rin couldn't watch me if I was watching him because that would be an endless circle of-

"Forget I asked. I can see the wheels turning in that thick skull of yours" Yukio retorted.

"Pfft. I was working something out you bum"


After Yukio made me realize I had a shadow, I became irritated whenever he got near me.

"I'm not a freaking child Yukio!" I yelled throwing a rock at him. He pushed up his glasses and glared at me.

"Is that supposed to intimidate me?" He smirked. I groaned storming off after Rin who was amusedly listening to my suffering.

"Don't let it get to you" Rin sang practically every day. But the intense monitoring every minute of every day got on my nerves. So what better way to spend time with someone who won't leave you alone, than playing tag.

"Catch me if you can!" I giggled climbing outcroppings on one of the walls managing to scale it effortlessly. When I reached the top I was able to have a short break to myself.

"Weird... now I'm bored being alone" I muttered to myself.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and half expected it to be Yukio with a paragraph long speech on how immature I am. Oh how I wish that were the case.

A Naberius similar to those that night had its disgusting being in my presence. But then I realized the situation a tad bit too late.

I was soon plummeting off the very wall I spent so much time climbing.

"Arisha I wish you did stuff other than kill!" I screamed to myself bracing for impact. When I hit the ground it hurt a lot more than when I jumped out of Mephisto's office window. Then again I landed on my feet then.... instead of my ribs.

I curled in a ball wincing in pain sensing the Naberius drawing closer.

"Freaking demons in the stupid school! Get a life! Stop signing contracts or whatever!"

The gross pet approached me with grim intentions. I could see it in it's eyes.

Blue flames. No heat.

I will never get used to those. Fire is supposed to embody fear and rage, yet whenever I've seen them lately, it's always followed by Rin saving me or his friends. Maybe I should associate them with something other than death.

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