Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-Six: Back In Reality

{Yukio's POV}

We arrived at the courtroom just in case. Amaimon was attacking and Rin was free without a weapon.

Though I noticed something that would give me nightmares for years to come.

Mephisto and Orphia. He held her close hiding her face with his chest.

"Witness Gehenna's destructors!" He cheered letting her go. Instantly the air felt heavy. I tossed the Koma sword to a nearby student and watched in awe.

She walked around in a daze, like she wasn't in control.

"Orphia, spawn of two of the most powerful demons down under, your seals are hereby lifted" Mephisto smirked. She slid her sheath off her blade and I caught a glimpse of her face.

It looks so pained. This is torture for her.

As she approached the stone creature she dragged Arisha against the ground. Lightning bounced off the ground like sparks.

"Is this a joke? I'm here for the son of Satan! Get out of the way!" Amaimon yelled swining his arm at her.

Orphia merely lifted a finger instantly stopping the attack. The impact dispersed with a shockwave of air blasting around her.

As she continued fighting her appearance began to alter.

White long hair. Pink seals etched into her skin. Nine white tails. The sacred fox of Gehenna.


Rin struck the final blow against the Earth King. Yet as he collapsed, Orphia stood with a blank expression.

"Orphia?" I asked approaching her. She sheathed her sword and handed it to me. I looked at it perplexed. When I took it in my hand I felt first-hand just how strong it was.

"She harnesses a power sealed away for ages to come. For when it's unleashed. It will eat her alive with its madness"

All those books, they told about her powers but I never believed in them wholeheartedly.

Someone with that much strength would be on another level. Way higher than a Paladin. It made me fear her parents.

If she was this strong, what about the demons who hide in Gehenna? Are all of them like Satan? Or are there some like Orphia and Rin? We don't care about killing people or causing havoc. We just want to survive, we want to have a normal life like any other human.

Though it's too late for that now. Rin's secret has been broadcasted to the Vatican, Orphia's seals had been broken, and my job description is about to get a mile longer.

Why can't I just have a break for once? One day. That's all I ask for people.

"Just bring me home" she muttered walking past me. I caught a glimpse of the tear sliding down her cheek.

Okay. I promise from now on to protect you both. No matter the cost.

Two Sides of Me » ao no exorcist Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora