Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Linked

{Yukio's POV}

We were consumed in silence once we arrived at the dormatories. Orphia reluctantly agreed to spending the night in my room.

I wanted her to feel safe, but also needed to keep an eye on her.

I spent the night awake thinking about her.

There was Orphia the ram, whose physical abilities were limited and was defeated easily.

Then there's the creature becore me. A demonic fox with nine tails and a knack for killing things. She was scary this way.

I wanted the old Orphia back, her personality and abusive behaviors, but on the other hand...

I wanted her to be able to protect herself.


The morning came too quickly. Rin was being patched up in the informary and Orphia refused to wake up.

Annoyed I pulled her onto my back and used a key to get to the cram school. The infirmary was a bit of a walk and I trudged the entire thing with a sleeping girl weighing me down.

When I opened the door Rin had his usual grumpy expression despite the ordeal he went through.

"Who is that?" He asked with wide eyes pointing at the body I was carrying.

"Orphia. We have a bit to talk about." I sighed lying her down on an empty bed.

Rin seemed reluctant to be near her. There was an emotion in his eyes that I couldn't quite identify.

"I recognize her. Well the markings on her." He stated. "They were on a small white fox in my dream."

It added up. A white fox with the same seals as hers, though why would she be in a dream? More or less before Rin even knew Orphia now looked like that?

Things weren't adding up.

"Morning already?" Her voice mumbled from behind me. She was rubbing her eyes still dazed by the sudden sunlight.

"Say Orphia? Did you happen to have a weird dream recently?" Rin asked.

She gave him a confused look before realization seemed to hit her.

"Now that you mention it, when Mephisto broke my seals I passed out. During that time when I was asleep I remember seeing a shadow with blue flames"

The two of them stared at eachother baffled.

"Yukki! What's happening to us?!" She whined. I scratched my head trying to think up a possible explanation.

"I actually have no idea."

Orphia deadpanned at me before sticking her tongue out like a child.

Maybe I could use serious Orphia more or less.

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