Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty: Eternal Life

{Rin's POV}

The days seemed to only drag on now. Yukio was still not back and Orphia locked herself in her room. I would talk to her through the hole in the wall but she never responded.

I got fed up with it. Frustrated with the silence. So I walked up to her door planning to tear it of its hinges. Though I didn't have to try nearly as hard. Orphia was standing in the doorway looking drained.

Her eyes were dull and she looked as if she hadn't eaten in days.

How many times does she have to look like this? Is this her karma for being alive?! Is this her punishment?!

I couldn't help but hug her as tight as I could.

"I don't want to see you hurt anymore." I muttered. Her body stiffened as if those words scared her. She was holding something back, hiding something from us.

Orphia grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room before closing the door.

I-Is she going to kill me or something?!

I watched her small frame pick up a book from her desk and flip through the pages until she pointed at a highlighted phrase.

'Orphia is the Daughter of Orphacles and Domestius, two extremely powerful demons in Gehenna. If her seals are broken, madness with bring her to her own demise. That, is how you defeat her.'

I pushed the book away furious. The whole reason she tried so hard, got stronger was to protect us right? So why is this the outcome?

"I'm sorry." She whispered. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she tried relentlessly to wipe them away.

"I tried to get stronger, so I could-"

"I know." I smiled sympathetically. Her eyes widened and she held back her emotions. I held her tight not wanting to ever let go.

I'm sorry too. I couldn't protect you either.


I loathed the night. The dark silence that crept in all around you. I brought Orphia up to the roof to get fresh air. The stars shined as bright as ever in the sky.

No light can ever surpass what used to come from your smile.

She held onto the corner of my jacket, as if the second she let go I would slip from her grasp. Her eyes were heavy sleep taunting her.


She turned to look at me fighting back the drowsiness.

"Thank you, for everything you've done for me and Yukio."

She smiled. Not with sadness or pity. There was no superficial facade over it. It was not forced. It was genuine, pure happiness.

With that I closed the distance between us. She was so warm, like a pale fire in the cold night. A flame that would sure burn for an eternal life.


Yay Chapter 30! Sorry it was a filler. Also sorry about the timeskip last chapter. I couldn't think of a way to write the previous parts I looked over. So here we are!

Hope you enjoyed me being a huge tease. See you next chapter!


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