Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Nightmares

{Orphia's POV}

I couldn't bring myself to wake up, yet I yearned to with such deep desperation.

Rin save me.

The lightning was getting closer. Inching towards me wherever I ran. It followed me like a shadow. I couldn't run away, couldn't escape.

This new part of me was driving me to the brink of insanity.

"For when it awakens, it will consume her with madness"

I clawed at the floor trying to get away. Laughs filled the darkness teasing me.

"You're a pathetic excuse for a demon Orphia" her calm voice mocked. Orphacles, the strongest female demon is Gehenna. My mother.

"Why must you hate your own mother child?" He groaned. Domestius, most powerful under Satan. My father.

Their words biting into me like fangs. I wanted to escape, to rip off my ears so I couldn't hear a thing. I curled into a ball closing my eyes.

Someone... please.

The laughs grew louder. I wanted the torment to end. I craved silence. Warmth enclosed me like a blanket. I refused to open my eyes but I could hear his whispers.

'You're going to be okay'

I relaxed in the presence of the voice. It cradled me like a child, a feeling I had never experienced in my entire lifetime.


Too much was happening to fast. I couldn't keep up with it all. Yukio hadn't come back from whatever he left for in the first place. Mephisto Pheles was arrested and the Cram School was going down the drain.

Pure chaos was ensuing lately. But I felt as if I was watching from the sidelines. Like none of it involved me. I was an outsider.

I glanced down at the seals etched into my skin. Broken so long ago, I'm slowly deteriorating body and soul.

How do I tell them?

They seemed so happy for once.

How to I explaim that I'm dying?

How would they react?

Do I break their hearts?

Do I erase their minds?

Do I clear the past and start over again?

Can I just disappear?

Would they come to find me?

Where do I go?

What do I do?

How do I escape this nightmare?!

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