Chapter 31

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Chapter Thirty-One: Rematch

{Rin's POV}

My face heated up every time I thought about Orphia.

So bold. How embarassing!

I had mentally scolded myself for hours after that. Who knew having feelings for someone meant a world of blushing and flustered faces?!

I pulled on my uniform and headed to school realizing I was already late.


"What's going on here?" I asked. There was a huge crowd in front of the building. My friends were all standing together annoyed.

"Supposedly it has something to do with the emergency Vatican meeting yestyerday. Said they even elected a new pope."

All this because Mephisto is gone?

One thing was for sure, things were about to get a lot more hectic.

Shortly after, I got a message from Shura telling me to meet up with her and to bring Orphia. I had no idea what she wanted, but I had learned to trust the weird woman.


I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders only to come crashing back down.

"What do you mean Yukio's the new paladin?!" I exclaimed. Shura groaned pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Something's off about this whole situation." Orphia muttered. She was looking up at the sky in a daze. She seemed thinner than last night.

"Annoyed that I got the position first?" His cocky voice cooed. Yukio walked up to us wearing a whole new uniform and an ego to match it.

"With news this big, why didn't you just call me?"

He looked ashamed, scared for just a moment before he smiled. "I'll ake sure to be more careful next time."

My kid brother is the Paladin. He doesn't know about Orphia does he...

"Okay, as long as you do that!" I beamed. I couldn't bring myself to say it. To acknowledge that our closest friend, the girl I fell in love with, was dying before our very eyes.

I don't want to. I'll stop it somehow. Just you wait.

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